Saturday, August 31, 2019
Marketing Principles Innocent Smoothies: STP Essay
Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning Positioning According to Kotler and Keller (2006), placing the product in a position where it is in demand, attractive and unique to the customer in relation to the products of its competitors is known as market positioning. Innocent has a reputable stance in the market, being known for its image of good will and helpfulness. From the company’s contributions to charity to the fun, lighthearted word choice of their product’s labels, Innocent successfully portrays itself as being a brand which above all, wishes good health for the consumers of their smoothies. The reputation which Innocent Smoothies holds is thanks to the values upon which the company was first established. Head of Communications for Innocent Drinks, Charlotte Rawlins, stated that â€Å"You have to build from your principles and make sure there’s a good product at the heart of it (and) if that’s the case, a good reality and image will follow†. A wide variety of product characteristics have ensured that this image of Innocent Drinks is preserved. 100% recycled bottles, donating to their own charity foundation, introducing ‘kids packs’, ensuring their product has health benefits such as contributing to peoples’ 5-a-day, jokes and heart-warming messages on their packaging†¦even their innocently drawn logo of a somewhat juvenile drawing of a smiley face contribute to giving the impression that Innocent Drinks are as Innocent as their company’s name. (Need references from partner). Innocent is rated as the most environmentally concerned company. Tropicana is next in line. Consumers that buy smoothies on a regular basis (once a week) and consumers that buy smoothies very rarely both agree on the fact that Innocent’s work ethics are above those of its competitors. Also, even though Innocent is the most expensive out of its main competitors, 69% of respondents have said that Innocent smoothies are worth every penny. Nevertheless, Tropicana had a 73% rate, own brands had a 65%, 42% for Happy Monkey and 29% for Coldpress. Segmentation/Targeting The smoothie market is divided into varying groups of consumers, which all differ in characteristics, behavior or needs. These different groups might seek different products of the marketing mix. This is known as market segmentation (Kotler and Keller, 2006). Innocent targets people that are health conscious, since their smoothies have no added sugar and are made 100% from fruits. They do not have any sort of colourings, flavourings or genetically modified products. Another group of people that Innocent smoothies are aimed at is time-strained people or workers, this being because of the practicality of the product. It is not only healthy, small and filling, but contributes to one’s 5-a-day fruit and veggie count. By having one small 250 ml smoothie, one is already having 2 of their 5-a-day. This is easy for those who have difficult times getting their diets balanced with their work. A third group of buyers that Innocent attracts are parents. Kids’ diets are extremely important while growing up and a smoothie is always a more appealing option to a young one than a piece of fruit. Innocent is a better option in every way than a fizzy soft drink which probably has no nutritional value and more sugar. Geographically, Innocent has expanded from a small stand at a concert in London to having a presence in France, Austria, Ireland, Sweden, Belgium, Switzerland and Denmark. Demographically, Innocent has focused on young kids in an essential growth stage of their lives all the way up to mid-age men and women workers who struggle to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. People with active lifestyles tend to consume this type of product more since it offers a trouble-free on-the-go option.
Friday, August 30, 2019
How does Austen use contrasting characters in Pride and Prejudice? Essay
How does Austen use contrasting characters in Pride and Prejudice? (Part B question) Jane Austen uses contrasting characters in ‘Pride and Prejudice’ to highlight her characters traits, both good and bad, and comparing them to others, and by doing this she can shape the plot of the novel. One obvious contrast in the novel is that of Mr Wickham and Mr Darcy and is used to build tension in the plot and convey Jane Austen’s message of being too judgemental. When we, and the characters of the novel, are introduced to Wickham for the first time we see him in an extremely good light because of the overwhelmingly positive description of his ‘gentlemanlike appearance’, ‘perfectly correct and unassuming’ manners and everyone in the communities good opinion of him. This contrasts to when we first meet to Darcy who is instantly ‘discovered to be proud, to be above his company and above being pleased’. This is judged by Elizabeth as well as the whole community; the effect of this is that as a reader we are instantly prejudiced against him and have a very low opinion of his character from the start. However this view is challenged by Austen’s use of a casual narrator that can switch from the, more usual, point of view of Elizabeth to the view of the Bingly’s and Mr Darcy at Netherfield, which shows Darcy in a better light than we previously saw him. We go from hearing his outrageously rude manners at the ball; saying ‘there is not another woman in the room whom it would not be a punishment to [him] to stand up with’ to the narrator informing us that ‘he began to find it was rendered uncommonly intelligent by the beautiful expression of her fine eyes’. However the most drastic alteration of our view of him comes in Volume two of the novel, when we find out about Wickham’s true character and how much of a fraud he is, and the repercussions of this for the Darcy and Bennet families. Austen uses these characters and their contrasts in order to highlight one of the main themes of the novel; first impressions (which was originally going to be the name of the novel) and how wrong they can be, because after judging Darcy and Wickham at two ends of the spectrum with little information, the reader, and the characters, find out that actually, not only were we wrong, but they turn out to be exact opposites of who we expected, and the significance of this is shown to us by the drastic effect on the plot-line that the characters judgements have. Another influential character contrast that Austen creates is that of Jane and Elizabeth Bennet. This contrast is important to the novel because it highlights the other main theme and message that Austen is putting across; Pride and Prejudice. In the novel Elizabeth is a drastic contrast to her sister Jane because of the prejudice attitudes she shows throughout when she judges people, and sometimes rightly, on her first impressions, and then it too proud to change these opinions, until it is too late; in the case of Wickham and Lydia. This is shown to us from the very start of the novel although we do not immediately pick up on the dangers of this. Elizabeth first shows her pride when she says that Darcy’s pride ‘had mortified [hers]’ when he called her ‘tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt [him]’, and she holds this against him for the majority of the rest of the book. She is also very sceptical of the Bingly sisters from the very start, although she knows little about them besides her judgement that ‘their behaviour at the assembly had not been calculated to please’. This contrasts to Jane’s blind trust of everybody, which, although sometimes proves itself a bad thing, it does show that she is a far kinder person than Elizabeth, always thinking the best of people; ‘to take good of everybody’s character and make it still better, and say nothing of the bad – belongs to [Jane] alone’. Sometimes her judgement is portrayed to us as a positive aspect of Lizzy, showing she is smart; for example when she deduces Collins’ character after just reading his letter, however it goes to extremes though the novel; for example when she believes Wickham’s twisted story of Darcy because she has already judged Darcy badly for the sole reason that he insulted her when they first met. Occasions like this, when Jane ‘would not wish to be hasty in censuring anyone’ portray Austen’s message that we should not judge people on our first impressions, or hold our pride against them, and show us her clever use of contrasting characters to develop theme.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Assessment Type
The general goal is to introduce and develop the skills needed to conceptualise a problem and a viable research topic. Students will make use of available literature, design a research strategy, evaluate, organise, and integrate relevant data (both existing and new), derive useful solutions, and communicate those solutions in an appropriate form to clients and colleagues. The module will prepare students to continue their own professional education and contribute to the development of the profession as a whole, at a standard commensurate with the current level of knowledge. The module surveys the basic processes of research methodology as practised in the social sciences. Underlying principles of science and logic are emphasised and special attention is directed toward the recognition of common sources of error and bias in the implementation and interpretation of research studies as it affects the outcomes of research utilisation. You are required to submit a research proposal. The content of the document produced by each student is required to cover the specific areas and to be within specific maximum word lengths (marks allocation and word lengths in brackets) as follows: 1. Title and Introduction. Form a clear title of a proposed research. Elaborate on the background of the industry and/or company to be researched as well as the problem or issue identified. Also explain the significance and rationale of the proposed research. (15 marks / 800 words maximum) 2. Research Questions. Construct the questions to be answered in the proposed research. (5 marks / 100 words maximum) 3. Research Objectives and Framework. State the research objectives in terms of the factors or causes identified (independent variables) and their relationships with the identified problem or issue (dependent variable). Following the stated objectives, construct a proposed research model or conceptual framework. (5 marks / 100 words maximum) 4. Literature Review. With reference to various relevant literatures, write a critical review and analysis of both the conceptual/theoretical and practical aspects of the identified problem/issue and factors/causes. (40 marks / 2,000 words maximum) 5. Research Methodology and Design. Elaborate the concept, types and approaches in research. Propose a research design for the research topic selected with detailed explanation on elements such as the sample, sample size, types and sources of information, collection methods and operationalisation or measurement of variables. (15 marks / 800 words maximum) 6. Ethical Considerations. Identify ethical issues involved and steps taken to prevent breach of research ethics. (5 marks / 100 words maximum) 7. Timescale or Gantt Chart. Construct a Gantt Chart in weeks that includes the stages and milestones of the research tasks and their respective time allocations. 5 marks / 100 words maximum) 8. References. Using the Harvard referencing system, provide a comprehensive list of references. (10 marks) Assessment Requirements: †¢ The submission of your work for assessment should be organised and clearly structured in a report format as outlined in 1. 0 to 8. 0 above. †¢ Maximum word length allowed is 4000 words, which includes sections 1. 0 to 7. 0 in the report. The word coun t excludes section 8. 0. †¢ This assignment is worth 100% of the final assessment of the module. Student is required to submit a type-written document in Microsoft Word format with Times New Roman font type, size 12 and line spacing of 1. 5. †¢ The Harvard Style of Referencing system is COMPULSORY. †¢ Indicate the sources of information and literature review by including all the necessary citations and references adopting the Harvard Referencing System. †¢ Students who have been found to have committed acts of Plagiarism are automatically considered to have failed the entire semester. If found to have breached the regulation for the second time, you will be asked to leave the course. Plagiarism involves taking someone else’s words, thoughts, ideas or essays from online essay banks and trying to pass them off as your own. It is a form of cheating which is taken very seriously. Take care of your work and keep it safe. Don’t leave it lying around where your classmates can find it. Malaysian Qualifications Agency Learning Outcomes Module Learning Outcomes: †¢ Demonstrate the skills necessary to assess and interpret existing research as a prelude to carrying out further investigation and the knowledge and understanding of range of research designs and their appropriate utilization. Conceptualise a problem; formulate hypotheses and objectives; design a research strategy, collecting, analyzing, and interpreting both quantitative and qualitative data, including commonly encountered statistical procedures. †¢ Understand the theoretical principles underlying inferential and descriptive statistics. †¢ Integrate the findings of existing research to ask a new research question. †¢ Engage in critical thinking when reading and comprehending research articles. Choose the most appropriate statistical analyses, interpret results, and write up the results accurately and completely. Notes on Plagiarism Harvard Referencing Plagiarism Plagiarism is passing off the work of others as your own. This constitutes academic theft and is a serious matter which is penalised in assignment marking. Plagiarism is the submission of an item of assessment containing elements of work produced by another person(s) in such a way that it could be assumed to be the student’s own work. Examples of plagiarism are: the verbatim copying of another person’s work without acknowledgement †¢ the close paraphrasing of another person’s work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation without acknowledgement †¢ the unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another person’s work and/or the presenta tion of another person’s idea(s) as one’s own. Copying or close paraphrasing with occasional acknowledgement of the source may also be deemed to be plagiarism if the absence of quotation marks implies that the phraseology is the student’s own. Plagiarised work may belong to another student or be from a published source such as a book, report, journal or material available on the internet. Harvard Referencing The structure of a citation under the Harvard referencing system is the author’s surname, year of publication, and page number or range, in parentheses, as illustrated in the Smith example near the top of this article. †¢ The page number or page range is omitted if the entire work is cited. The author’s surname is omitted if it appears in the text. Thus we may say: â€Å"Jones (2001) revolutionized the field of trauma surgery. †¢ Two or three authors are cited using â€Å"and†or â€Å"†: (Deane, Smith, and Jones, 1991) or (Deane, Smith Jones, 1991). More than three authors are cited using et al. (Deane et al. 1992). †¢ An unknown date is cited as no date (Deane n. d. ). A reference to a reprint is cited with the original publication date in square brackets (Marx [1867] 1967 , p. 90). †¢ If an author published two books in 2005, the year of the first (in the alphabetic order of the references) is cited and referenced as 2005a, the second as 2005b. †¢ A citation is placed wherever appropriate in or after the sentence. If it is at the end of a sentence, it is placed before the period, but a citation for an entire block quote immediately follows the period at the end of the block since the citation is not an actual part of the quotation itself. †¢ Complete citations are provided in alphabetical order in a section following the text, usually designated as â€Å"Works cited†or â€Å"References. †The difference between a â€Å"works cited†or â€Å"references†list and a bibliography is that a bibliography may include works not directly cited in the text. †¢ All citations are in the same font as the main text. Examples Examples of book references are: †¢ Smith, J. (2005a). Dutch Citing Practices. The Hague: Holland Research Foundation. †¢ Smith, J. (2005b). Harvard Referencing. London: Jolly Good Publishing. In giving the city of publication, an internationally well-known city (such as London, The Hague, or New York) is referenced as the city alone. If the city is not internationally well known, the country (or state and country if in the U. S. ) are given. An example of a journal reference: †¢ Smith, John Maynard. â€Å"The origin of altruism,†Nature 393, 1998, pp. 639–40. An example of a newspaper reference: †¢ Bowcott, Owen. â€Å"Street Protest†, The Guardian, October 18, 2005, accessed February 7, 2006.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11
Debate - Essay Example If the issues of abortion are resolved at the legislature, a woman’s right to decide is more likely to be given much weight because of their right of privacy. However, it is worth noting that the concern of the fetus’ inability to decide whether to live or not. It is for this reason that I believe this issue should be resolved by the courts that are more likely to protect the interests of the meek which in this case are fetuses (Ginsberg, Theodore, Margaret, Caroline, & Robert 750). In addition to being resolved by the courts, this contentious issue should also be resolve at the federal level and not state level. The United States of America is comprised of a number of states and in the event that the issue of abortion is solved at the state level, it is most likely that all the states will not have a unanimous ruling on the matter. Therefore, women would easily travel to states with legislations that favor their interests. This implies that in the event that the issue of abortion is resolved at the state level, people would easily move from one state to another with the hope of finding a soft spot to carry out an abortion (Ginsberg, Theodore, Margaret, Caroline, & Robert
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The measurement of inflammatory oedema in skin Essay
The measurement of inflammatory oedema in skin - Essay Example The PubMed database contains more than 80,000 references related to the problem of the inflammation in medicine and biology. Nevertheless, the studies dedicated to the problem of inflammatory response do not loose their pertinence and keep top positions on the ranking of the most important scientific directions. The physiology of inflammation is very complicate. There are five universal hallmarks of the inflammation, four of theme were described by Celsus in the Ancient Rome as follows tetrad: rubor (i.e. hyperemia or redness due to increased blood flow), calor (heat due to increased metabolic activity and blood flow), tumor (i.e. swelling or oedema), and dolor (i.e. pain). The fifth hallmark of the inflammation was added to the previous by Dr. Rudolf Virhow only in the middle of XIX century. This is "functio laesa" or loss of function. But these visible indices of the inflammation are the result of the sophisticated processes mediated by the numerous humoral and cellular factors (Ley, 2001). Thus there is well known, that the inflammatory response has two components - cellular and exudative. The exudation is characterized by producing exudates i.e. fluids and cellular substances that are slowly discharged from blood vessels of inflamed tissues. The exudates contain proteins (fibrin and others) and could be released due to the increase of capillary permeability in the affected tissue. This process leads to the occurrence of oedema, thus by the measurement of swelling area the researcher can control the intensity of the inflammation. There is also important to remember that oedema distends the tissues, irritate the nervous receptors and can cause pain (Ley, 2001). The cellular component of the inflammation is presented by the emigration of leucocytes from the blood vessels into the inflamed tissues. Nevertheless for the research planned and conducted by the schedule of our training there is more important to recognise main mediators of the inflammation. There was demonstrated in the studies conducted recently (Ley, 2001; Sigal, 2005; Hildebrand, Pape & Krettek, 2005) that cytokines interleukin-1 and tumor necrotizing factors can play important role in the upregulation of the endothelial receptors and the processes of extravasation (i.e. e,igration of inflammatory cells into extravascular sites). This can increase intensity of swelling also. The vasoactive agents can influence on the processes of the exudation and extravasation significantly. Nevertheless they role are not studied completely. In the last decades the researchers pais great attention to the mechanisms of the impact of some vasoactive peptides on the microvascular responses during the acute and chronic inflammation. There are many candidates for profound studies in this area, nevertheless, some investigators prefer to use calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) for modelling physiological reactions during the inflammatory response. This is a 37 amino acid peptide that is produced in the central and peripheral nervous system in the rodents (rats and mice). Since 1985 (Brain et al) there is known that CGRP is an extremely potent and long lasting microvascular vasodilator which can act to potentiate
Monday, August 26, 2019
New City New Experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
New City New Experience - Essay Example always trying to find a good in what you feel is bad; this makes it a tad bit easier to cope up and adapt. This is exactly what the video teaches us- to look at the bright side of things and realize that one could have been in far worse situation than one is in right now. The new city, new experiences video opens with a shot of Ayers Street and the camera pans to a grocery store. Character1 walks in and starts checking out the items displayed on the display racks. A close up of the item shot is shown. Next, the camera shows a blue car being parked outside the same grocery store and character 2 coming out of the door. Both the characters in the video are acquainted. Chracter2 greets chracter1 while the latter expresses his feelings about the high prices that he saw in the grocery store. He says that the prices are far higher that what he is used to in his home country. Chracter2 explains that living in a developed country like the states comes with a price because the minimum cost of living is quite high. However, he also makes character1 realize that since they reside in Edmond they are luckier because the relative cost of living in Edmond is relatively low than the cost of living in other cities of America. Character1 is thankful to God for this and both the characters part ways. The scene begins in a dark street with only the street signboard. The camera pans right showing a streetlight. Perhaps the only light that light up the entire street stretch. The camera continues to pan right and stops at a small grocery store. The opening itself is an indicator of the theme of the video. The camera pans from left to right starting from a dark street and ending in a fairly lighted place which too is an indicator of the core theme of the video i.e. no matter what situation you are in always look on the bright side of things. The street light in the scene is also objective here since the road is dark and it is only the light that is visible; this again is implies the ce ntral theme of the video. The camera is in the store and we character1 walking and entering the shop. He is wearing a black shirt and looks well groomed. The character has a subdued face and exudes an introvert’s body language. He walks past the magazine stand and head directly towards a display rack. He picks up a Snickers bar. The camera zooms in and shows only chracter1’s hands and the snickers bar. The camera then focuses on the bar indicating that even chracter1 is focusing on the bar more particularly on the price printed on the back of the package. The expression on the face of character1 changes to that of surprise. The fact that he looks surprised after finding out the price of the item reveals that he is not accustomed to buying such highly priced products. Perhaps, he is new in town (since till here the video does not reveal his background). Next the camera shows a car’s headlight which is again an indicator of the central theme of the video. The car is shiny blue one and we see character2 switching off the engine and stepping out of the car. The look on character2’s face exudes confidence and his gait is relaxed and confident too. He walks up to the entrance of the grocery store and meets character1. He greets chracter1 by his name- Mohammad and Mohammad replies that he is fine. Character2 enquire of Mohammad what he had been up to and Mohammad explains
Sunday, August 25, 2019
THE INFLUENCE OF LEADERSHIP AND HIGH PERFORMANCE (HRM) SYSTEMS ON PATIENT SAFETY MEDIATING BY ORGANIZATIONAL CLIMATE IN SAUDI HOSPITALS - Thesis Example lted in hospitals beginning to provide integrated health care services which was qualitatively made even better through technological adaptations (Lighter and Fair, 2004, p.7). As the hospitals grew in size, capital and functions, a considerable work force began to get aligned with it resulting in a scope and need for applying management and human resource concepts and frameworks into them (Hernandez, 2009, p.4). This was also a result of health service as a sector being highly â€Å"labor intensive†(Hernandez, 2009, p.4). It is this evolving work environment in health care sector that is transforming all its outcomes including patient safety (Ngo, Foley and Loi, 2009, p.668). This evolving work environment is what constitutes organizational climate of a health service organization and it is â€Å"the frame of reference through which individuals (workers) make sense of organizational life†in a health care facility (Ngo, Foley and Loi, 2009, p.668). Hence, organizational climate can be viewed as one of the most important mediating element in patient safety (Walston, Al-Omar and Al-Mutari, 2008, p.35). This mediation happens through human resource management. Though there can be many aspects to human resource management that can lead to patient safety, this study envisages focusing on two specific elements of it, namely, leadership and high performance work systems (HPWS). The research done so far in this area have mostly generated data on how leadership and HPWS help build an organizational climate suitable for patient safety (Richardson and Storr, 2010; Stewart and Usher, 2010; Combs et al., 2007). Yet, these studies have also pointed to the lack of sufficient investigation being made into the whole process that starts with leadership and work force, evolves through organizational climate and arrives at desirable level of patient safety. This literature review envisages weighing the opposing arguments on the role of high performance work systems and leadership in
Measuring Economic Health Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Measuring Economic Health Paper - Essay Example Thus, a measure of improvement in the environment as well as measures of economic health may be used jointly to measure or assess development. Some of the more important measures of economic health are the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Gross National Product (GNP). The GDP refers to â€Å"the value of final goods and services produced†(Dornbusch et al., 2008, p. 36). The qualification â€Å"final†is used to avoid double counting because counting the tire, for example, may double count with the value of the car. Dornbusch et al. (2008, p. 36) emphasized that that the GDP consist of the value of goods currently produced. Thus, for each year for example, the GDP refers to the goods and services produced during that period or year. GDP is measured annually. The GDP is a concept or measure similar to the GDP. However, while the GDP refers to the goods and services produced in a country that may include both the value of output from both citizen and alien producers, the GNP refers to the goods and services produced by citizens or nationals. Thus, the GNP also covers the production of goods and services by nationals or citizens abroad. ... For example, Real GDP or GNP in 2010 prices measures the GDP or GNP using year 2010 prices. For these, economist use a variable known as GDP or GNP deflators that convert all GDP and GNP of all years into the GDP or GNP values of year 2010. For each year, there can be specific GDP or GNP deflator that can convert the GDP or GNP into a particular year. Nominal GDP or GNP refers to GDP or GNP measures in a particular year using prices of that year. Through the real GDP and GDP over several years, economists are able to assess whether a business cycle exist as well as determine the period which constitute a business cycle in which there is cycle of relative slump and recovery. One theory in economics holds that there is an equilibrium real business cycle (Dornbusch et al., 2008, p. 553). The theory asserts that â€Å"fluctuations in output and employment are the result of a variety of real shocks that hit the economy, with markets adjusting rapidly and remaining always in equilibriumâ € (Dornbusch et al., 2008, p. 553). Dornbusch et al. (2008, p. 553) clarifies that the real business cycle theory is a result of a perspective known as the â€Å"rational expectations†approach in economics. The rational expectations approach in economics assumes that economic agents are rational and use all available information, including forecasts and past experience in anticipating the direction of the economy and in response to that direction, their behavior or action in that economy. Economics bodies in the government determine fiscal policy. Usually, several bodies in government determine or are tapped to determine fiscal policy. In the United States, one such body is the Federal Reserve Board. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, for instance, may be
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Analyses of Articles on the Theme of Human Geography Assignment
Analyses of Articles on the Theme of Human Geography - Assignment Example In South Asia religion is diverse; Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. India has a well educated middle class. There is a shortage of housing in urban areas. Early marriages and child labor are common. 72% of Indians live in rural areas (Sahni 2011). Some environmental issues include deforestation, wildlife extinction, urban population and natural hazards. Bangladesh experiences massive flooding during the cyclone season. India faces lot deforestation which has led to the extinction of some wildlife species. The number of women in India is decreasing due to the preference of men to women (Sahni 2011). In central Asia, Afghanistan is a landlocked country with a very harsh climate. There are very few sources of water and the available are polluted by industrial runoff. Forests have been cleared to give room for agriculture (Rogers 2010). Europe lies at a higher altitude which makes its climate milder. The languages spoken are diverse; Germanic, romance, Slavic, Basque, Finish, Hungarian and Estonian. There is religious diversity which includes Islam, Secularism, Christianity, and Judaism. The population, in general, is declining due to a variety of factors such as increased wealth making small families a choice, women entering the workforce and housing shortages. The Alps in Europe are a sight to behold. They span into three countries namely Italy, Austria, and Switzerland. The increase in avalanches can be attributed to climate change in Europe ( East Asia comprises of four countries; China, Japan, Korea and Taiwan. China’s physical geography ranges from mountains, rivers, valleys, and basins in the southern part. 85% of Japan’s terrain is mountainous covered with forests. Industrial pollution affects the region’s environment. Another environmental hazard that faces East Asia region is earthquakes (New York Times, 2010).
Friday, August 23, 2019
Write a management report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Write a management report - Assignment Example a key factor to the growth of the resort and thus it was recommended of creating an environmental friendly ecosystem which was further enhanced by usage of wind to generate more energy to pump to the power grid. Jiminy peak, a snowboarding and skiing resort found in the Berkshire Mountains of the western parts of Massachusetts is the largest resort of its kind in the states of southern New England. Founded in 1948, its offers skiing and snowboarding, outdoor activities such as Mountain bike riding and many more sporting activities. It gained four season resort status in the year 2005 symbolizing its growth. It is strategically placed between some of the biggest cities around, for example, it is just three hours away from Boston and New York City and about an hour’s drive from other major cities such as Springfield, Massachusetts and Albany. Jiminy Peak has grown to become one of the most important ski destinations due to some key factors that play to its favor such as its strategic location between such vast cities, the good managerial decisions being undertaken within this organization leading to its much deserved development. Another factor that makes Jiminy Peak to be a key attraction is the fact that it is very vast, purely because of the developments that have taken place leading to so many activities being incorporated in these 170 acres. The number of snowboarding and ski trails totals to forty five, has three terrain parks six person chairlifts of high speed and nine lifts. Much of the success of this resort is attributed to the marketing teams, who have been able to market the resort and make it accommodate high numbers of sport activity lovers even in the summer. For this purpose, the resort has set up a mountain coaster, the first resort to do so in the whole of the East Coast, they have also managed to put up more summer sport devices such as alpine super slides, gigantic swings and more activities such as bungee jumping, rock climbing, scenic
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Sustainable agriculture Essay Example for Free
Sustainable agriculture Essay From her educational text, Jenny Ridgwell states, â€Å"Many supermarkets stock a range of ‘organic’ foods; these are normally more expensive than other foods, since it is more difficult to match the volume of perfect fruits and vegetables that are produced by intensive farming. Organic foods are grown using traditional methods of faming without artificial fertilisers, pesticides or intensive growing systems. People who eat organic food believe that it tastes better and that it is better for the environment. †(Examining food and nutrition. ) Having sourced this statement, I have studied its content and found it to be a very good definition of organic foods, showing the main features of organic food and people’s perceptions of organic products. Secondly according to a newspaper article from 2001, about the cost of going organic ‘at least 80 per cent of a cow’s feed would have had to be organically grown. Veterinary drugs would have been allowed if animals fell ill, but there would have been a ban on routine use of antibiotics to prevent infections’ (Times Newspapers Ltd 2001) . This article reference shows the implications placed on farmers dealing in organic produce, yet it gives us an idea about the health related aspects of organic foods, such as them containing no artificial substances, as an end product and during the production process. In consideration of my viewpoints I have chosen to interview two people from my immediate family, who have separate roles within the home. My first viewpoint was from my mother, who is the main breadwinner of the family and sources the food for most meals, yet she responded negatively in the session. In her statement she mentioned, â€Å"I do not buy organic produce as the price is much more expensive compared to standard produce of which you receive a greater quantity for the price with little quality compromised. †On the other hand my second interviewee was my father, a previous agriculturist. He replied positively to the interview remarking that, â€Å"I would buy organic food just for the taste alone, but knowing the health benefits and what hard work is involved it is only a privilege to accumulate great food and give the tradition a well deserved boost. From my discussions with the interviewees it has become apparent that they know the nature of organic food, the advantages and the disadvantages. To summarise, it is clear that organic food is not top of their priorities yet it is still considered and acknowledged in the day to day running of a household. Many people say organic food is better than non-organic foods, in many cases, they are healthier because ‘with processed foods there can be hidden fats, salt and sugar that can go in during the processing. Food certified as organic is not allowed to contain genetically modified ingredients. ’news. bbc. co. uk (Accessed 02/10/12). â€Å"A four year European Union funded study found that with regards to organic food compared to regular food: There are 40% more antioxidants in organic food, milk that is taken from organic herds contains 90% more antioxidants, and there are higher levels of beneficial minerals. †www. dosomething. org (Accessed 27/09/12). These findings clarify that my second interviewee’s opinion is wide spread on behalf of health issues throughout our consumers of organic produce. While many people insist organic foods contain more health benefits, according to university studies, ‘overall, there was no discernible difference between the nutritional content, although the organic food was 30% less likely to contain pesticides. ’ www. bbc. co. uk (Accessed 19/09/12). This information emphasizes my mother’s statement about â€Å"little quality compromised†this also highlights her point that we pay more for less, in more aspects than one, perhaps maybe even including our vitamins and minerals. There are many unknown benefits of organic food that provides a great advantage over non-organic produce. Many of these advantages are in connection with health, especially â€Å"children and foetuses who are most vulnerable to pesticide exposure due to their less-developed immune systems and because their bodies and brains are still developing. Exposure at an early age can cause developmental delays, behavioural disorders, and motor dysfunction. †www. helpguide. org (Accessed 27/09/12) As well as organic food differing from non-organic foods in nutrition they also differ in price, the reason for organic produce being more expensive to buy ‘is that agro ¬chemicals are designed to make food cheaper to produce. Agro ¬chemicals were not developed with nutrition, taste or the ecology in mind. The chemical designers’ remit was to make mass production of food cheaper. So what we get is a cheap but inferior product. ’ www. organicfoodee. com (Accessed 02/10/12) Much of this extra cost is due to the products necessary for produce to be classified as organic. A statement from Humphrey feeds revealed ‘organic wheat is costing us currently about 245 pound a tonne, whereas conventional wheat, most of what we had bought is about 120 pound a tonne,’ showing the costs implicated on organic producers. (Food Programme, BBC Radio 4, 12th Oct 2008) In my opinion organic foods are of a much better quality, taste and are generally less harming to the environment, this is severely reflected in their price and in many cases has extreme effects on food choices. ‘Organic farming has always tried to anticipate the challenges farmers are now facing, such as payments, and now the Nitrate and Phosphate Regulations. Organic farming has a less intensive nature and integrated approach, so organic producers have generally been able to meet these challenges without too much difficulty. ’ www. dardni. (Accessed 02/10/12). This statement from the Department of Agriculture makes reference to the differences in farming techniques and the problems faced by non-organic producers, but to a certain extent organic farming goes back to nature, for example, farmers use crop rotation to fertilise the soil increasing stores of carbon in the soil, eventually ‘we could offset at least 23% of agricultures greenhouse emissions. ’ www. soilassociation. org (Accessed 19/09/12). This refers to mainly non-organic producers; however organic producers face hefty stipulation over what they can and can’t do. In particular the Department of Agriculture imply a regulation in which the period of slurry spreading is suited to the weather. An article from a farming newspaper last week read; ‘The closed period is due to come into operation on October 15, after which farmers caught spreading slurry would normally face prosecution. (Farm Week, September 27th, 2012). This has a greater impact on organic producers due to their lack of permitted resources, implicating that they can only fertilise soil at particular times throughout the year compared to non-organic producers, nonetheless in my opinion this has great consideration for the environment. In regards to helping the environment ‘organic farming practices use 30% less energy, less water, and obviously no pesticides,’ hence reduces groundwater pollution. www. thechicecologist. com (Accessed 02/10/12) In conclusion, I have found my research on organic food to be practical and obtained from a range of different sources to give adequate reasons for purchasing and consuming organic produce.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
A Look At Counselling Psychology Essay
A Look At Counselling Psychology Essay Introduction This essay will comprehensively provide definition of counseling and discuss what the counselor can do with regards to the counseling setting to make the client feel safe. It will also discuss the characteristics of an effective counselor and discuss the importance of unconditional positive regard, empathy and congruence in the counseling process, and attribute to Carl Rogers Person-Centred Approach. It will also discuss importance of self-care for the counselor. Reference will be included. Counselling is a relationship between a trained counselor and a client. They interact with one another to produce change in the clients cognition, feelings and behaviour. Counselling is a process that enables a person to figure out and gain insight in issues and reach decisions affecting their life. Often counselling is practiced out in challenging times in a persons life, it need not be so, however, as counselling can also be helpful and necessary in ones life at any time. Talking with a person (client) is the essential factor in counselling in a way that the client acknowledges the problem and strive to solve it or help create conditions that will adhere understanding to the client and/or improve his/her behaviour, character, values or life circumstances. Counselling is often performed face-to-face in confidential sessions between the counsellor and client(s). However, counselling can also be practiced by telephone, internet, by email or video conferencing and in writing, but most preferably by face-to face in an appropriate venue confortable to the client. For a client to feel safe, the counselor should create a setting- physical and emotional space for the client to develop a strong therapeutic alliance. Creating a warm and safe environment is essential for a client to break the tension and build trust and boundary issues such as such as contracting and terminating sessions on time. According to Jan Sutton (2009), the counselor should strive to keep the room neutral, in other words free from personal belongings such as books, ornaments and family photographs, to reduce the quality gap. And barriers such as a desk should be avoided, and chairs should be uniformed and placed approximately three to four feet apart and slightly at an angle. Sutton advises that a box of tissues must be strategically placed where the client can easily reach them, and a vase of fresh flowers or a potted plant can add some kind of warmth and colour to the setting. The setting should be private and the same every session. The confidentiality of the client must be assured at all times. It is also suggested that addressing the client with their first name builds comfort ability and acceptance, but first ask how the client wants to be addressed. Also the counselor referring themselves by their first name breaks the barrier of inequality. An effective counselor should clearly define his expectations to achieve with his client and discuss realistic time frames for reaching his goals and agree on how he will measure his clients progress. He will establish a good relationship with his client and allow the client to be completely honest about his thoughts and feelings. He will create chemistry that the client feels comfortable, and help cope with the trying circumstances. An effective counselor can identify negative thinking pattern that may be feeding feelings sadness, depression or anxiety. By encouraging you to build upon personal strengths and suggesting skills that can overcome self-afflicted feelings of hopelessness, a counselor can help develop a more positive attitude (Poston,L. 2006). A good counselor can assist the client in making effective changes and help establish acknowledgement or bring insight of the clients behavior and can teach the client effective ways of communicating with the people who may be causing the distress. The counselor should be able to empower and create personal growth in the clients life. The personal qualities found in effective counselors include self-awareness and understanding, good psychological health in terms of being qualified to perform and being cognitively constructed and ready. It also involves the counselor being sensitive and considerate of racial, ethnic and cultural factors in self and others. And possessing the ability to be open-minded having a broad perception and being objective. This also should acquire Person Centred counseling. Carl Rogers is known as the father of counseling. He believed that people are relatively good and born independent. He helped change Patient to Client. He invented the humanistic approach named Person-centred Approach- which is basically focusing on the client being in control of the therapy, which encourages the client to develop sense of autonomy, self-exploration and improves self-concept and their perception. There are three main core condition considered to be essential in an effective counseling are; Unconditional Positive Regard (UPR), Empathy and Congruence. These core conditions are needed to facilitate change. Congruence is the first element; it is called genuineness and realness. It is considered that the counselor becomes himself during the session and not put up the professional facade. This will suggest that the counselor shows feeling according to the manner of the session. And make the client feel comfortable to make alterations and grow in the constructive manner. Unconditional Positive Regard is important in creating a climate for change by the counselor to possess an attitude of acceptance, caring or prizing. The counselor should enforce positivity towards whatever the state of the client is so change can occur. Prizing the client as a total rather than a conditional manner is necessary. Empathy is the third facilitative aspect of the relationship between the client and the counselor. This is where the counselor picks up the feelings of the client and reflects back to the client. It is based on understanding the clients feelings and personal meaning of what the client is experiencing. The counselor also reflects the private side of the client by observing below the level of the clients awareness and bringing it insight to be acknowledged and understood. Empathy is shown through way of being non-judgmental and understanding from the clients perspective. Counselors use an approach of being empathetic, such skills involve; active and empathetic listening, reflection of the clients feelings and content, and include appropriate self-disclosure of the counselor. Roger also emphasize other skills such as; active listening, encourage body language, open ended and closed questions- questions that allow the client to express feeling and openness- good tone, paraphrasing so the client can see that you are listening and also acknowledge him about what he said out of the unconscious mind and summarizing so that he knows in words what he is really feeling and feel accepted. Core conditions can improve relationship between client and counselor. If one feels safe and comfortable, he will open up and completely express himself, which will empower change and growth. The way the counselor represent himself also has an effect on the clients perception and where his cognitive approach is constructed. It is important for a counselor to always look representable. Self-awareness and self-care include the counselor reflecting on their personal issues first and their own development before attending the client. For the counselors self-care, it is advised that they take note of the important aspects of self-care; firstly, Physical self-care which consist of eating breakfast, lunch and dinner, eat healthy and exercise, get enough sleep, do activities that are fun, take time to be sexually active, and take vacations and time away from the telephone. Secondly, Psychological self-care; have your own counselor, reflect on yourself, engage yourself in new areas, socialize, talking to colleagues and decrease stress in your life. Thirdly, Emotional self-care means spending time with loved ones and those you value the most, and find ways to increase self-confidence and esteem, cry when you feel like it and value and praise yourself. Lastly, Spiritual self-care includes spending time with nature, meditate, pray, sing, journaling and be open for inspiration. It is also considerable to seek social support of peers as an asset to maintain self-care. Being active with a supportive relationship is valuable and helpful. Conclusion This essay comprehensively provided definition of counseling and discussed what the counselor can do with regards to the counseling setting to make the client feel safe. It also discussed the characteristics of an effective counselor and discussed and elaborated further on the importance of unconditional positive regard, empathy and congruence in the counseling process, and considered Carl Rogers Person-Centred Approach. It also discussed importance of self-care for the counselor. Reference is included. Bibliography ACAs Taskforce. (2010) Counselor Wellness and impairment. American counseling association. Retrieved 11,2012 from Cormier,S, Hackney,H. (2012). Counseling Strategies and Interventions, 8.(221) Online, retrieved 11, 2012 from Ponton, L. (2006) characteristics of effective counseling. Psych central. Retrieved on April 12,2012, from Table of content Page Introduction 1 Question 1 Definition of Counseling 1 Factor in Counseling 1 Question 2 Safety of the client 1 Comfort of the client 2 Question 3 Effective Counselor- Goals 2 Good Counselor- Establish change 3 Personal Qualities in effective Counselor 3 Question 4 Carl Roger: Person-Centred Approach 3 Congruence 3 Unconditional Positive Regard 3 Empathy 3 Core Conditions 4 Question 5 Self-awareness and Self-care 4 Physical Self-care 4 Psychological, Emotional and Spiritual Self-care 4 Conclusion 4
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Kawasaki disease
The Kawasaki disease Kawasaki disease is an intense systemic paediatric vasculitis disease that is seen commonly in childhood. Kawasaki disease is one of the most common heart diseases. It is the inflammatory disorder but the aetiology of Kawasasaki disease is unknown. It first appeared in 1967 by report of Tomisaku Kawasaki who was a Japanese paediatrician. He also called Kawasaki disease as mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome. There is no diagnostic test; therefore, doctors are using the clinical criteria that were proposed by Dr. Kawasaki 45 years ago to diagnose the Kawasaki disease. There are many different diagnosis of Kawasaki disease such as viral infections, genetic predisposition or environmental factors. Many research proposed that Kawasaki disease is an infectious disease that may be caused by Epstein-Barr virus, measles, adenovirus, enterovirus. However, there is no confirmed evidence. Usually, KD can found more in Japanese society but it keep spread to western countries and the incidence of K D in western countries are increase dramatically. There are typical symptoms that can be seen in KD such as rash, edema, and mucosal membrane changes. But there are more symptoms that are involved which are not typically found from every KD patients. Therefore, it is hard to diagnosis patients if they have KD or not. The treatment of KD is different depends on if patients are complete or incomplete KD and also, the susceptibility of IVIG will make treatment different along patients. The etiology is not certain but there are several researches shown that KD is caused by infectious agents, genetic factors, or immune system disorder. Current knowledge on the subject         There are several symptoms that can be found in patients with Kawasaki disease. When patients have more than 5 days of fever for more than 38C and have more than 4 symptoms such as bilateral nonexudative conjunctival injection, polymorphous exanthem, nonvesicular rash, strawberry tongue, edema of hands and feet, bilateral non-suppurative cervical lymphadenopathy, and mucosal membrane changes, patients will diagnosis as KD. Kawasaki disease can be divided into complete Kawasaki disease and incomplete or atypical Kawasaki disease depending on the number of symptom that are present in the patient. When patients have more than four symptoms or have developed coronary artery abnormality, patients will be diagnosed as complete Kawasaki disease. In contrast, patients who have less than four of the diagnostic criteria and still develop coronary artery abnormality is diagnosed as atypical or incomplete KD. Because of the cause of Kawasaki disease is unknown, di agnosis of Kawasaki disease in infants are very challenging. Kawasaki disease can be divided into three phases. First, from one week to two weeks from onset is called acute phase. Typical symptoms are highly febrile, irritable and the fever approaches more than 39 Celsius. Oral changes occurs and also rash can be found in perineal area. Secondly, from two to eight weeks from onset is called subacute phase. In this phase, fever start to decrease slowly and the perineal area, soles, and periungual areas start to peel off. Lastly, from months to years from onset, it is called convalescent phase. In this phase, laboratory value gets normal but there may be severe consequences. For example, patients who had aneurysms may continuously have, for rest of their life, persistent cardiac dysfunction, or myocardial infarction.         Coronary artery aneurysm can be highly found in incomplete Kawasaki disease patients. It is defined as coronary dilatation that the diameter of coronary vessel gets enlarged 1.5 folds. It can be diagnosed by angiographically and it is similar to patients with coronary artery disease. The end-diastolic pressure, end-diastolic volume, and ejection fraction levels are not normal and the left ventricular contraction is not normal. The coronary artery aneurysms are mostly caused by atherosclerosis.         There are several associated symptoms that can be seen in Kawasaki patients. Diarrhea and abdominal pain and patients may develop arthritis. Also, myocardial dysfunction can be found in early phase of Kawasaki disease such as pancarditis which is the inflammation of all three layers of heart. Another symptom is periarteritis nodosa which is disease in connective tissue that is blocked by nodules in arteries thereby causing blood to not circulate properly. When Kawasaki disease shows periarteritis nodosa, other symptoms cannot be found.         Kawasaki disease can be diagnosis by physical exam but also it can be diagnose by laboratory exam and imaging technique. First, complete blood count test should be performed to look at the amount of white blood cell in blood. Complete blood count is the calculation of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelet. The number of white blood cell increased to more than 15,000. Also, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and C-reactive protein increase. After 2 weeks from onset of disease, the platelets level dramatically increases up to 1 to 2*106. There are other abnormalities such as sterile pyuria, increases of hepatic transaminases, hypoalbuminemia. In patients who have KD will have higher level of transaminase than normal person. Also, they will have higher level of ALAT and GGT than other patients who have other febrile diseases. When ALAT level increases, it will lead to coronary artery disease. Research proposed that almost 50% of incomplete KD p atients had pyuria in bladder urine. Pyuria can cause different diseases depends on where it is. When pyuria is in bladder, it can cause tubulointerstitial nephritis but when it is in voided urine, it will cause urethral inflammation. Another symptom to diagnosis incomplete KD is to look at acute anterior uveitis after the onset. Patients who have anterior uveitis do not have pain, photophobia, nor visual impairment. By using ophthalmological evaluation, it can detect if patients have different disease which have similar symptoms with anterior uveitis. One of the research in 2006 showed that there were 40% of KD patients had hyponatromia. It is caused by incorrect hormone secretion by cerebral vasculitis, dehydration, or tubular dysfuction. It is hard to diagnosis KD since there is no diagnosis test. To treat incomplete KD, the principle clinical criteria should be renewed in order not to miss out some patients who did not have principle symptoms. By missing out patients will develo p severe other diseases and will not be able to give proper treatments.         KD also can be found out by using imaging technique. At acute phase, chest x-ray or echocardiography (ECG) are used to look at heart problem. Patients may develop coronary artery abnormalities in acute phase and this can be showed by ECG. When patients are very severe, heart specialists sometimes use single photon emission computed tomography to look into bloodstream of patients. SPECT will provide an image in 3D by using gamma rays. Epidemiology Kawasaki disease is new disease that is predominantly found among Asian children1,2,3. It was first found in Japan by Dr.Kawasaki in 1961. In early 1970s, Pathologist Eunice Larson and Benjamin Landing at Los Angeles recognized it as a new disease. Still today, there is no evidence of how Kawasaki disease emerged but some researchers proposed that Kawasaki disease emerged from Japan and spread to Western countries through Hawaii after World War II. Kawasaki disease was nationwide epidemics but now it is more likely a regional outbreak. The mean annual incidence rate is different in variety of countries and districts3. There are 90 to 112 per 100,000 in Japan, 8.0 to 47.7 per 100000 in US, and 3.6 to 3.7 per 100000 in the United Kingdom and Australia for children who are less than 5 years old. Research in China indicates that the incidence rate is 18.2 to 18.6 per 1000003. The statistics shows that Japan predominantly has highest incidence rate among Asian. Kawasaki disease can be fou nd commonly in males than females and the reoccurrence rate is less than 1%3. The incidence of Kawasaki disease has been increasing annually. In 2000, the incidence rate was 73.7 per 100000 but in 2002, the number of occurrence increased to 95.5 per 1000003. There are relationships between season and occurrence of Kawasaki disease3. But there are variations among different countries. From Japanese reports, there were more patients in winter but in American data shows that patients will develop KD more in the spring and winter. For female the occurrence appeared to be high in March, and highest in July. For boys, the highest occurrence rate was in May and the lowest occurrence rate was in February. As the research indicated, the season and climates have relationship with the susceptibility to Kawasaki disease3. Genetics         Patients with Kawasaki disease may develop coronary artery abnormalities (CAAs) if patients are not treated early. Usually patients are treated with high amounts of intravenous gamma-globulin (IVGG) as well as aspirin which are used to reduce the possibility of developing CAAs2. However, 10-20% of Kawasaki patients do not response to induced intravenous gamma-globulin. Coronary artery abnormality will develop more frequently to patients who are not responding well to IVGG than patients who respond well to IVGG. Recent research reported that matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) is involved in formation of CAA in acute phase of Kawasaki disease patients2. From research, the level of MMP-9 in serum who have Kawasaki disease have much higher than serum from children who does not have KD and patients who have other kinds of febrile diseases2. Using MMP-9 inhibitors might prevent the formation of CAA. However, MMP-9 inhibitors are not used clinically. MMP-9 is endopeptidase that depends on zinc that has zinc at the active site. MMP-9 have major role in tissue remodelling of extracellular membrane (ECM) 2. It can be seen in cardiac remodelling after myocardial infarction, plaque destabilization of atherosclerotic lesion. The mechanism of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors is involve with the bind zinc to the active site and stabilize by hydrogen bonds and hydrophobic interactions in the active site. The ACE inhibitor can inhibit the activity of MMP-9 and MMP-2, which have major role in neointimal formation and angiogenesis. The effect of the ACE inhibitor on MMP-9 can be measure by using captopril to the enzyme2. Involvement of the immune system From the studies by Satoshi Sato, Kawasaki disease is commonly found from patients who are younger than 5 years old1. The average age of occurrence of this disease is 2 years. Kawasaki disease does not occur frequently from children who is less than 6 months and can hardly find patients who are less than 3 months1. Kawasaki disease usually does not occur for adults who have immunity to common infectious disease. This result explains that children are more susceptible to Kawasaki disease because they might not produced antibodies to common infectious viruses, and bacteria1. Mannose bind lectin (MBL) is an important component of the innate immunity and is a reactant for hepatic origin which can bind to multiple lectin domains1. MBL has very important role in complement activation and opsonization. Complement activation refers to as the biochemical activity that helps to get rid of pathogen from animal and opsonization have similar activity to complement activation that plays role of pa thogens to get rid of the organism by ingestion and destruction by phagocyte1. It is usually found in bacterial cells, fungus cells, and viruses. It has repeating pattern of mannose and N-acetylglucosamine sugar. There are three single polymorphisms in chromosome 10 for MBL gene at codon 52 (CGT to TCT), codon 54 (GGC to GAC), and codon 57 (GGA to GAA). This mutation will lead to reduction of the level of MBL concentration but polymorphism of the promoter region of MBL will lead to increase the level of MBL concentration in the serum1. When the base changes from glycine to aspartic acid in codon 54, it will distract the interaction between MBL and MBL-associated serine protease. The interaction between MBL and MBL-associated serine protease defend against infection when patients are young. But when patients become older, the interaction of these two molecules will not have impact on the innate immunity1. Because, the patients will develop the mature lymphocytes and immunoglobulins a nd they will engulf the invaded pathogen. Therefore, this research proposes the susceptibility of the Kawasaki disease will be influenced by the MBL polymorphism1. Children who have Kawasaki disease develop endothelial dysfuntion in early phase after onset of disease and this will caused by the production of nitric oxide (NO)5. As described earlier, the primary innate immune system is very important feature for Kawasaki disease. Tumour necrosis factor alpha, IL-1, 6, 8, monocyte, chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) will be activated to produce cytokine storm5. After cytokines are produced, it will release iNOS (inducible nitric oxide synthase) in neutrophils, endothelial cells, and smooth muscle cells. Nitric oxide is produced by two enzymes which are endothelial NOS and iNOS5. Recent research found out that patients who developed Kawasaki disease have higher level of iNOS concentration in neutrophils in acute phase. Also, children have high level of nitric oxide metabolites such as NOx, NO3-, and NO2-. After production of Nitric Oxide, it will react with Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) to give more bi ochemical reactions. This will be measured by new device called fluorescent indicators5. There are new devices used to measure the concentration of NO and ROS. First, Hydroxyphenyl fluorescence (HPF) was used to measure the concentration of ROS. Another device is called Diaminofluorescin-Flu Diacetate (DAF-FM DA) which is used to measure the concentration of intracellular Nitric Oxide5.         There are significant evidences that the production of ROS and NO by neutrophils were much higher in Kawasaki disease patients in compare to people who have non-KD febrile children or non-febrile children5. By treating with IVIG, NO level will decrease. But, the production of NO can be beneficial or harmful. Usually, NO is cytotoxic but sometimes, it can protect cells from toxic materials. NO may react with hydroxyl radicals to produce much higher toxicity. To control the influence of NO, the duration, the amount of NO synthesis should be controlled. Therefore, in acute phase of Kawasaki disease, NO and ROS is highly produced and will cause damage to endothelial cells5. Treatment and future research         When patients are diagnosis as complete or incomplete KD, treatment should be induced right away. Because when patients have more than 10 days of fever will develop CAA. Major treatment that doctors use to treat KD is intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG). Intravenous immuglobulin induced into bloodstream which contains immunoglobulin antibody G that is brought from other control blood donors. IVIG is still a major recommended treatment but some patients do not response to this treatment. The effects of IVIG last for 2 weeks up to 3 months. The typical amount of IVIG is a dose of 1000mg per kg of patients bodyweight. High amount of IVIG with aspirin will reduce the rate of coronary artery abnormalities (CAA) which includes coronary artery dilatation or aneurysms from 20% to 3 to 5%. Also, depends of patients, IVIG can also used with acetylsalicylic acid to treat KD.         There is one example about the incorrect treatment will cause severe disease. When IVIG was induced, patients could not cure coronary artery lesion. When patients induced with corticosteroid, they developed more coronary artery lesion3. There are two therapies which are antiinflammatory and antithrombotic therapy which are to treat Kawasaki disease instead of using IVIG. In antiinflammatory therapy, methylprenisolone, prednisone, prednisolone, and infliximab are used to treat Kawasaki disease. For antithrombotic therapy, Aspirin, heparin, warfarin, exoxaparin, tissue plasminogen activator, clopidogrel, and abciximab are used. Recently, infliximab proved by US Food and Drug administration to cure not only Crohn disease but also used to treat Kawasaki disease patients. It was not used at all in 2001 but today, the administration of infliximab usage increased up to 2.3% of total number of therapies used. It became favourable because of two reasons. First, it only administer to patients only one time. Secondly, by not using infliximab more than once, it reduce the complication as seen in other therapies which are used more than once. Infliximab is an antibody to tumour necrosis factor alpha, and cytokine in inflammatory response. It binds to tumour necrosis factor alpha and blocks the T-cell receptors to block the biochemical cascade. It will decrease the coronary artery abnormalities in patients who developed Kawasaki disease in early acute phase. To treat KD much better way, there should be more research. First, there should be more laboratory and echocardiographic data. Second, more development of clinical criteria and symptoms should be proposed. Even today, there is no perfect evidence that can explain the cause of KD; therefore, there should be more research on genetic factors by looking at KD patients family. Lastly, after treatment of KD in childhood, complication may be developed after several decades and there is not much information about complication. Therefore, by monitoring and keep in touch with KD patients are good way to find out more about complication after initial treatment. References Sato, S., H. Kawashima, Y. Kashiwagi, T. Fujioka, K Takekuma, and A. Hoshika. 2009. Association of mannose-binding lectin gene polymorphisms with Kawasaki disease in the Japanese. I. Jour. R. Dis. 12:307-310. Inoue, N., S. Takai, D. Jin, K. Okumura, N. Okamura, M. Kajiura, S. Yoshikawa, N. Kawamura, H. Tamai, M. Miyazaki. 2010. Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor on matrix metalloproteinase-9 activity in patients with Kawasaki disease. Clinica Chimica Acta. 411:267-269. Huang, G.Y., Ma, X.J., Huang, M., Chen, S.B., Huang, M.R., Gui, Y.H., Ning, S.B., Zhang, T.H., Du, Z.D., Yanagawa H., and Kawasaki T. 2006. Epidemiologic Pictures of Kawasaki disease in Shanghai from 1998 through 2002. Journal of Epidemiology. 16:No. 1. Yeo, Y.K., Kim, T.Y., Ha, K.S., Jang, G.Y., Lee, J.H., Lee, K.C., Son, C.S., and Lee, J.W. 2009. Incomplete Kawasaki disease in patients younger than 1 year of age: a possible inherent risk factor. Eur J Pediatr. 168:157-162. Yoshimura, K., Tatsumi, K., Iharada, A., Tsuji, S., Tateiwa, A., Teraguchi, T., Ogino, H., Kaneko, K. 2009. Increased nitric oxide production by neutrophils in early stage of Kawasaki disease. Eur J Pediatr. 168:1037-1041 Perrin, L., Letierce, A., Guitton, C., Tran, T.A., Lambert, V., Kone-Paut, I. 2009. Comparative study of complete versus incomplete Kawasaki disease in 59 pediatric patients. Joint Bone Spine. 76:481-485. Son, M.B.F., Gauvreau, K., Ma, L., Baker, A.L., Sundel, R.P., Fulton, D.R., Newburger, J.W. 2009. Treatment of Kawasaki Disease: Anlaysis of 27 US Pediatric Hospitals From 2001 to 2006. Pediatrics. 124:1-8. Ugi, J., Lepper, P.M., Witschi, M., Maier, V., Geiser, T., Ott, S.R. Nonresolving pneumonia and rash in an adult: pulmonary involvements in Kwasakis disease. EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL. 35:452-454. Climaz, R., Sundel R. 2009. Atypical and incomplete Kawasaki disease. Best Practice Research Clinical Rheumatology. 23 (5):689-697.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Sex during the Victorian Era Essay -- discrimation, sex, women
The Victorian era brought about many changes and the introduction of new things. One issue that stood out was â€Å"The Sex.†Many things evolved around this issue like changes in laws all over, it became a topic for literary poets/ writers and also for the woman question. This term means discrimination based on a person’s sex and during the 19th century this was a vast issue toward women. This all Started from the early Victorian era with queen victoria, who was the monarch of the united kingdom of Great Britain from 1837- 1901. Being the queen she played a very substantial role during this time. As a wife she showed a domestic side. She supported Prince Albert, had his children, became very submissive and devoted to her husband a family. This image she portrayed became a trend to the outside world. Most people looked at this as what the ideal woman was during this era. The sex was a topic that began to spread and women started to fight for their voices to be heard. There were introductions of new laws in many countries such as the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, and etcetera....
Measurement, Irony and the Grotesque in Gullivers Travels :: Gullivers Travels Essays
Measurement, Irony and the Grotesque in Gulliver's Travels    Postmodernity is obsessed with the Eighteenth Century. As an example of how our nostalgia for that period manifests itself, Hans Kellner has pointed out that a genre of novels and films set in Eighteenth century has exploded in popularity: Lempriere's Dictionary, Perfume, "The Madness of King George III." We could also point to the ongoing revision of scholarship on the period, of which GEMCS itself is an example. In considering what generates this contemporary fascination I have given some thought to the aesthetic and political issues surrounding the beginnings, and perhaps also the end, of the bourgeois social sphere. A conviction, argued most aggressively by Jean Baudrillard, is beginning to take hold, in and out of the academy, that this sphere, after an almost totalizing expansion, is now in decline. The panic over the loss of the social, whether supportable or not, offers a possible explanation for the contemporary nostalgia for the period in which Swift wrote Gulliver's Travels. In this age of dissolution, what do we see when we look back at the age of our creation? One thing we observe is the development of a peculiar kind of irony which we can't help but distinguish from our experience of this trope in the age of its dominance. The satirical effect of the irony in Gulliver's Travels read by the Postmodern will be precisely what it was not at the time of its production. The historical distance between Eighteenth Century and Contemporary readers can be understood by way of Hayden White's use of the master tropes in "Foucault Decoded." White assigns one of the master tropes to each of the four archeological periods described by Foucault in The Order of Things. In White's system, Foucault's Renaissance was metaphorical, locating truth in similarity. Swift wrote in what Foucault considered the Classical Period, which, for White, had metonymy as its overriding mode of reason, because a new transparency of representation made it possible to organize knowledge by a standard and represent it symbolically on a table. The Modern period was characterized by synecdoche, in that the subject of knowledge, Man, was now included in the study of the world, in a part-whole relationship. Finally, the Contemporary or Postmodern mode is ironic, characterized by a questioning of the foundations of knowledge and a Dionysian disappearance of the subject of that knowledge.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Tender Mercies Essay -- essays research papers
'Tender Mercies,'; written by Horton Foote, is a screenplay, which presents to the reader ordinary people, who are trying to live decently in an unpredictable and violent world. The reader comes to be aware of many dramatic scenes where the central characters have come to experience many complex but yet fascinating situations in their lives. Reading this screenplay the reader will come to acknowledge one of the centralized themes in 'Tender Mercies,'; which is the theme of redemption. For those who are unaware of the word, redemption as it applies to the screenplay 'Tender Mercies'; is the literary word meaning to be saved or saving someone from an experience or a situation. The reader can observe this redemption at various times through many characters, such as: Mac, Rosa Lee, Sunny, and Dixie. Each one of these characters has been redeemed by other characters or has been the redeemer of other characters. Thus, in the paragraphs to proceed, the reader will be introduced to these exa ct characters and to the situations from which these characters were redeemed from or whom they had redeemed. Alongside, the reader will also come to recognize how this theme provides the clearest reason why 'Tender Mercies'; is neither a Tragedy nor Pathos. As mentioned above, one of the centralized themes in 'Tender Mercies'; is the theme of redemption and that it can be seen through many characters, of whom is Mac. In the beginning of this screenplay, Mac is viewed as a person with a drinkin...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Is Television a Bad Influence on Children Essay
The television has become such an integral part of homes in the modern world that it is hard to imagine life without television. It provides entertainment to people of all ages especially children. Children love to watch TV and prefer to stay â€Å"glued†to the TV screen all day, rather than playing outside. In the USA, 47% of children ages 2 to 18 years have a television set in their bedrooms. On a typical day, they spend on average of 5. 5 hours using media, including television, computer games and the Internet (Kaiser Family Foundation, 2001). TV is the number one after-school activity for 6 to 17 years old. see more:impact of television on children essay Although television is loved by children and has helped them a lot, it has influenced them in a negative way. Some optimistic people can argue that children should be allowed to watch a lot of television because it is educational. Preschoolers can get help to learn the alphabet on children’s programs such as â€Å"Takalani Sesame†and grade scholars can learn about wildlife on nature shows. However, with the increased rate of working parents, most children come home from school and are left alone or with a babysitter who may not care what the children watch on TV. With no supervision nearby, children may end up watching shows with violence, sex and bad language. Children that view such shows are likely to fear that the world is scary or that something bad will happen to them. Furthermore, the children will start to show aggressive behavior or start to behave like what they see on TV. (Bandura & Ross 1963) Television has become such an integral part of homes in the modern world that it is hard to imagine life without one. It provides entertainment to people of all ages, especially children, who, consequently would prefer to stare at the TV screen all day rather than going outside to play anymore. An online journal that I read called Journal of Youth and Adolescence states that television is an easy and inexpensive way to get information, it’s the most popular way for Americans old and young to get informed. Informed on what? With the increased rate of working parents, most children come home from school and are left alone or with a babysitter who may not care what the children atch. With no supervision nearby, children may end up watching shows with violence, sex, and bad language. The journal then goes on to say that TV allows us to create a national culture because it gives people something in common to talk about. I hear it everyday, most people are talking about their comedy shows that they watched the night before rather than what they saw on the nightly news. In this generation we have to many choices. The journal also stated that children have a choice on what to watch and how long they watch television. For me, this argument is unrealistic because most children do not have self discipline. They would rather watch something entertaining rather than a documentary about nature or history for example. They would rather watch the latest â€Å"Transformers†movie which is not suitable for young children. Firstly, children’s thinking skills can be adversely affected if they watch inappropriate television programs for a long period. According to Sharif (1999), short segments with interesting presentation in modern children’s programs and music video clips encourage the development of short attention spans in children. Children may have the wrong thoughts that overwhelming all the difficulties in life will be a piece of cake as they are used to thirty minutes problem-solving programs like ‘Friends’. As a result, they always lose out patience when it is the real time for them to counter the hardship and rigor situations. Moreover, Jones claims that children who are heavy viewers are among the lowest achievers at school because they do not develop imaginative skills to create fictitious characters, situations and make-believe worlds (Leigh 2001). In short, excessive television watching hours may plague the healthy thinking of the children Secondly, the structure of children’s behaviors’ will be less desirable, particularly the emanating of wildness and violence. Television programs and even the news, televised at prime time, depict violence scenes which may cause the children to become desensitized to violence (Sharif 1999). Consequently, they may feel that violence is a plausible and acceptable way in solving problems. Furthermore, some children attempt to imitate the superhero in the television shows they have watched. For instance, there were children jumped out of trees in Superman costumes and got themselves injured (Sharif 1999). Besides, the stereotyped movies showing the narrow roles of characters played by the women and men in society influence the children’s behaviors’ towards themselves and others. These evidences prove that television viewing can be actually harmful by forming disfavor behaviors’ among children. Prolonged periods in front of the television which is a sedentary activity can trigger many health problems such as obesity and related diseases. Nowadays, people, especially the youngsters, become inured to the habits of indulging themselves with snacks while watching television (Rutherford 2002). The elevated number of couch potatoes is intractable as it spreads erratically without control. Meanwhile, extended periods in front of the television mean that children are not being physically active (Sharif 1999). Moreover, children may become autistic as television viewing encourages the development of antisocial behavior. Briefly, obesity will become the most discernible fallout when children consume too much calories, adding to the dearth of physical exercises. In conclusion, I strongly believe that television viewing can bring harmful effects such as underdevelopment of thinking skills, negative forms of behaviors’ and unhealthy lifestyles. The negative effects of television viewing are stark, albeit, some people assert that its pros outweigh the cons. However, I am prone to the stance that television viewing brings more harms than benefits. A balance point on television viewing should be adhered in order to best utilize the television by minimizing its negative effects and at the same time get ourselves refreshed and ready to concentrate on things like homework.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Operations Management: Technology and Operations Essay
Effective operations management is one of the most important factors relating to the sucess or in some cases failures of an organisation or company †because markets are volatile and demand uncertain, it is imperative that organisations become more responsive†(Christopher, M 2005:142 ) Because of this; organistaions are becoming heavily reliant on technology to perform duties that simply, because of the scale of operations, are not efficient to do ‘by hand’ . In order to remain competitive, organisations need to respond to the five main objectives of Operations which are : Speed, Flexibility, Dependability, quality and cost. The type of market is the decider of which of these objectives take priority. The aim of this assignment, using several different sources, is to provide an analysis of the technology available in different areas of operations and to provide a commentary on how they are acheiving the goals companies are employing them for. In the retail sector, technology is at the forefront of a smooth and successful operation. Customers will always see their time as a commodity therefore it is important that their experience at the store is as seamless as can be. In this consumerist age that we live in, customers are demanding a lot more from retailers. For example; customers expect that if they give their details once, they will be recorded ‘on the system’ which eliminates the need for them to produce them again. One of the methods used to aid this is the Electronic Point Of Sale system. Initially introduced to automatically tally the total of goods purchased, EPOS systems have evolved to be multifuntional and serve many purposes. Fashion jewellery retailer Swarovski are one of the many companys that use such a system. Initially, the programme used by Swarovski was a DOS based one called Retail Pro. By definition of RetailPro.Com (2011) †Retail Pro provides retail software for point of sale and retail management that helps retailers around the world operate more effectively, with a greater return on their technology investment.†This system however was not able to cope with their expansion as a company and according to a member of staff in the I.T. Department †it was becoming ‘Increasingly difficult to manage and was requiring more human intervention than was justifiable for the price’. (Stewart Pender. 2011). In May 2011, Swarovski swithched to a more advanced EPOS system that was able to efficiently manage their Point Of Sale (POS), Merchandising, Store operations and inventory control with a higher level efficiency and dependability at a lower cost. Micros was the new software introduced to Swarovski to improve efficiency and aid smoother operations. This new system also meant that their inventory control was now fully automated and linked directly to the EPOS. Micros designed their Micros X-Store to be able to monitor stock levels. Once an item is scanned on the EPOS sytem, unbeknownst to the customer the system interacts with the SAP (a global computer system to which Swarovski have access) to communicate that the item has been sold, therefore stock levels are now down by one. This occurs in Swarovski everytime an item is sold up until the cut off time, which is monday afternoon. Once the afternoon comes, the Mircos X-Store system culminates all the data it has gathered over the week and works out the ideal quantity of each individual item to re order against current inventory levels. Once this has been done, the sytems sends the order to head office where it can then be forwarded to the warehouse for picking and delivery. The automated re ordering improves lead times and overall speed of stock replenishment times. Aside from the merchandising aspect, the Micros X-Store is capable of handling human resource functions. It can manage employee reproductivity reports, employee borrow function (temporarily assigning collegues to other stores) and organise and manage customer information. Working from a fully automated warehouse the SCP Sytem receives the orders and begins to work on store specific order fufilment . Firstly, the order goes through what is called the ‘Schaefer Pack Pattern Generator’ (SPPG) which based on many complex alogarithyms, determines the optimum weight and height for the finished pallate depending on the weight and amzingly ‘stackability’ of the individual items in the order. By doing this, the SPPG can reduce the amount of pallates needing therefeore havign a direct positive impact on shipping and transport costs. As well as all of this, the SPPG generates a ‘pallate building plan’. This plan enables the next system to pick the items in the most logical sequence in relation to time and allows the items to be placed on the pallate in a ‘store friendly sequence’. By organising items into a store friendly sequence, the person unloading the items at the store does not need to spend time wandering back and forth as the items would have been palatised in respect to the store. Already a seemingly small software package has had an incredible impact on the effectiveness , efficiency and cost by †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Fully utilising maximum height and weight permittance by achieveing optimium packaging density †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Forecasting item positioning as to reduce damage to goods †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Positioning goods correctly for optimum stability during transport. After the SPPG has done its job, another programme; Schaefer Case Picking (SCP) sytem comes in. The SCP is an automated picking system that actualises the work of the SPPG. Once it has received teh orders from the SPPG, the SCP goes about selecting the goods in order. As aforementioned, the goods are selected in the most time effeicent was as to once again improve efficiency and reduce manual labour costs. As the sytems uses an optical identification known as ‘ the vision system’, there is no need for RFID Identification tags that are very common and popular in the industry, but can be rather expensive. As the goods are selected, they are placed into a buffer area until all the goods for that order have been selected. When selection is complete the items are then placed onto the pallet in the ‘store friendly order’ as calculated by the SPPG. Once complete, the pallets are then stretch wrapped which makes them optimised in terms of goods vs density and secure for transit. The flexibility they have means that the customer’s best interests are always kept at heart and they can avoid any disruption to service by having a multitude of couriers to choose from.  One of the couriers that ASOS use is CitySprint. Based in the UK, CitySprint specialise in same and next day delivery. When an order is placed with ASOS, it is packaged by hand in the warehouse and taken to the collection point. ‘Despite increasing automation, people are still essential in most operating systems’. (Wild, R. 2005 243) From the minute it is picked up by the courier the customer has the option to track it from warehouse to their front door. By scanning the bar code of the parcel, the courier is ‘accepting the job’ and it is ready for despatch. As soon as the order has been despatched, the customer is e-mailed a unique tracking I.D., Which will allow them to follow the journey of their item(s). CourierLocator, which is CitySprint’s own technology, is what allows all of this to be possible. Every courier carries a small hand held GPS enabled device called a CityTrackker. Small but powerful, the CityTrackker’s; using CitySprint bespoke technology and a network of anywhere up to 24 satellites wirelessly transmits live real-time information on the couriers location (including latitude and longitude) back to the FleetMapper (A system that depicts the location of all ‘on call’ couriers). On request, the client (in this case ASOS) can request information on several different couriers anywhere in the UK at the click of a mouse. This kind of technology also puts the customer at the forefront of operations. By logging onto either their ASOS account, or the CitySprint website directly, the customer is able to also see the exact real-time location of the courier delivering their parcel. With such methods, ASOS; using CitySprint’s technology, is giving the customer more flexibility and a heightened sense of dependability by putting them in what seems to be control of the delivery process.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Title: What does personalised learning mean in practice
Assignment TMI Title: What does personalised learning mean in practice? Analyse the learning needs of EAL pupils, and those of SEN pupils. Discuss how the needs you Identify can be met most effectively in subject teaching. Within this context over the past ten years' the term ‘personalised learning' gained political capital and could be considered as a defining feature of the UK's educational system. Miliband 2004) Personalised learning – theory and practice The Sussex report states personalised learning is ‘characterised by high levels of participation of pupils and staff in the schools, learning to learn and pupil voice'. It is a continuous progress which facilitates a ‘deeper learning'. (University of Sussex, 2007). Personalisation is concerned with people, hence what or who is a person, their purpose, how they develop, are motivated, gain skills, form abilities and relate to others.Hence, personalised learning is not simply the acquisition of knowledge or skills but how to forge a person's capacity and capabilities to do so. Consequently, concepts of personalised learning have reflected diverse contemporary theoretical discourses, including Piaget's conceptualisation of cognitive development based on iological maturity and environmental experience to behavioural psychologists focus on learning through conditioning, through to Skinner and Watson's reward and punishment.Vgotsky explored how a person's individual social, economic and cultural influences can determine their ‘actual' and ‘potential' development levels within school based learning. Howard Gardner could be considered as a paradigm shifter (Smith 1994) as he questioned the concept of intelligence based on cognitive development, and sought to demonstrate that a child may be at different stages of evelopment at a single time, and that this is reflected in their ability to learn their maturity on dfferent learning styles.He therefore questioned the concept of scaff olding referring to seven multiple intelligences, two of which have been adopted within school environments, namely linguistic intelligence relating to the ability to learn and use of verbal and written language, and logical mathematical Intelligence relating to analysis of issues, grasping of quantitative information and the sciences. I Implemented this pedagogy with my top set 10 class while teaching controlled ssessment vocabulary.Recent UK Government policy has encouraged an educational approach that tailors support to Individual needs so that ‘every child matters'. The five core inter-related aims; be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being underpinned by practice guidance ana regulatory perTormance systems slgnlTy tne Importance 0T social, economic and environmental factors on child development. Peter Senge said â€Å"many children struggle in schools because the way they are being taught is incompatible with t he way they learn†(Capel, S. al, 2007) hence teaching and support can be improved by encouraging school based learning to be designed around a pupil's needs, hence Miliband's quote above. Assessment for learning directly relates to national teacher standard 6; ‘make accurate and productive use of assessment'. Teaching uses both formative ongoing assessments and summative assessments, normally at the end of a module, scheme of work or a part of an academic year. Summative assessments usually relate to formal examinations that inform streaming and ranking, to inform accountability (Black, Harrison, Lee, Marshall and William, 2002).Summative assessments are often isolated from normal teaching and learning, and are often areas of which teachers have little direct control in terms of personalising for learners, for example ‘6SCEs'. Key formative techniques include higher order questioning that targets towards their current level; personalised comment marking, identifyi ng clear targets for improvement, self and peer assessments and analysing and using mark schemes and feedback from summative assessments to assist individual learning plans.According to Williams (2009) the effectiveness of formative assessments can generate nearly three terms extra earning per year. However Ofsted reviews have identified teachers' difficulties in identifying clear learning objectives and outcomes by the use of attainment levels to inform structured lesson planning and assessment (Ofsted, 2007). For example in my second placement school I asked a mixed ability group of year 7's to assess sentence exemplars and explained the success criteria based on Bloom's taxonomy.This showed what was expected to answer higher order questions and levelled answers. It was difficult at first however as soon as they got accustomed to my expectations a marked improved was identified in their work. They were able to interpret the differences properly and with scaffolding the majority of them were able to vastly develop their answers. (See appendix 1) When considering Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence, personalisation leans towards the understanding and application of different learning styles, namely audio-visual, and kinaesthetic.However Cofield et al (2004) suggest that the effectiveness of this focus is varied, in terms of their reliability and as a motivator for learning. Placing the learner at the heart of the teaching process and in turn enabling them to take more responsibility or their learning can also be delivered through developing learning objectives reflective of individual and classroom needs. Bloom's taxonomy provides a classification of learning objectives under cognitive, affective and psychomotor providing a methodology for scaffolding actual and potential learning within the classroom.Differentiation can ensure a classroom of mixed ability students are all stimulated and stretched, and this can be achieved regardless of ability when setting tasks, if executed as though one were climbing a ladder in order to reach the top, or objective of the lesson. (Petty, 2009). Within the MFL department we operate an ‘ALL, MOST, SOME' to differentiate our tasks, (see appendix 2 ; 3) adding a challenge at the bottom for the most able or for native speaking students. This ensures that every single student can be accessed and also be stretched regardless of ability and rank order.Alex Moore suggests tnat a good teacner needs to De strategic In applylng models and theories to shape and develop ‘pedagogic identity (Moore, 2000). Using these ideas, together with Wgotskys theory of constructivism has helps practitioners develop and go on to plan lessons that are creative, fun, focused, tructured and interesting combined with delivering content to any ability, regardless of need (be that G&T, nixed ability or SEN) or those that encounter difficulty with focus, learning and progressing in a traditional classroom environment.Some of the methods used in the classroom to take advantage of ‘multiple intelligences' are video clips, imagery and displays for visual learners and group work such as role plays or quizz type games for interpersonal learners. For the intra-personal learners, enabling them to set personal goals and challenges for themselves, for the more verbally inclined students question and answers or ualitative assessment and finally problem solving and modelling for more kinaesthetic pupils.Curriculum entitlement and choice relates to national teacher's standard 3. The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action recommended at a national and school level that â€Å"schools should accommodate all children regardless of their physical, intellectual, social, emotional, linguistic or other conditions†(1994) As abovementioned, and experienced in both my school and in my placement schools, many Stage and 1 and 2 EAL students are withdrawn from MFL and other on – core subjects in or der to focus on literacy and numeracy improvement.Interestingly, MFL is one of few areas that many EAL students do not feel isolated as other students are also at a new stage of learning a different language also, and thus can excel in the subject. The National Curriculum (1999) outlines that â€Å"in order to overcome any barriers to learning in MEL†; specific requirements such as laptops, support and help should be provided in order to access the learning for EAL students needing support. Indeed, this subject specific inclusion information decrees that â€Å"all upils have a right to participate in the study of MEL†(Pachler, Barnes ; Field, 2009).
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