Friday, November 29, 2019
Globalization’s Murky Waters an Example of the Topic Government and Law Essays by
Globalization’s Murky Waters It is very easy to waste water because we can see it abundantly everywhere around us. Our first world society has been able to ensure that safe drinking water and washing facilities are accessible to anyone who needs it. However, we must consider the day when the comfort of good clean water runs out. This century has put man in the middle of a dilemma born out of globalization. There are many who believe that globalization is good for economics and its effects are in terms of profits. However, little focus is made on its total effect outside of the economic arena. Very few have given attention to its worsening effects on the environment, specifically on a basic human need such as water. Need essay sample on "Globalizations Murky Waters" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed First of all, is globalization truly good for us? We certainly obtain lots of benefits such as well-priced commodities, resources, work force, and information because of globalization. We are able to travel to many foreign countries and learn so much about other cultures because of free trade. However, the negative effects brought about by globalization may outweigh the positive things it can do. For instance, multinational corporations taking advantage of the free economic market are moving lots of its labor and material outsourcing to third world countries who hang on to them for survival in the international trade arena. This has a lot of effects on the society of developing countries. Although these poor countries labor force gain a reprieve from unemployment due to the establishment of factories for multinational companies, with the global set up, these companies are also always on the look out for better labor opportunities internationally. It is easy for them to simply leave a developing country for another that can offer better costs. This can be devastating to the economy and community of the country left behind. Another negative aspect of globalization is the trend on professional services. Many professionals from developing countries are being attracted by the higher profit opportunities in rich countries. This causes the good professionals to leave their poor nations to seek better monetary gains in other societies. The results are devastating to the poor countries because they are deprived of the good services that they could have gotten from their own countrymen. The greatest problem that globalization poses, however, is also a concern not only of poor countries but of every human being. This is its effects on our environment which can actually cause our extinction if not addressed at once. It is difficult to imagine that safe drinking water would be completely lost on the earth. However, the water that we can now drink is less than 0.5% of the total amount of water of this planet. Sea water, the ice in the Antarctic Ocean and ground water are not immediately suitable for drinking. Water from the ground may be taken but would need purifiers to become potable. In fact, Bangladesh has been having a problem with their ground water sources because it has been discovered in the 1990's to contain dangerous levels of arsenic (World Health Organization 2007). Now, the amount of usable water has been decreasing every year because of globalization. Multinational corporations of advanced countries build factories in developing countries and use a lot of water there. Recently, the information technology industry and biotechnology industry have been excessively using a large quantity of the water compared to other industries. In fact, in 2000 the National Resources Development Council publicized that Peabody Western Coal Company has damaged Navajo's water resources because of it ground water mining activities (NRDC 2006). Moreover, all nations are trying to become industrialized which highly affects the use of clean water. In developing countries, population explosion is also a serious case. Many poor people often have big families because the parents tend to rely on the children to bring in additional income for the family, help with farm work and provide security for parents in their old age (Oxfam Community Aid Abroad 1992) This way of thinking can cause population to increase rapidly and it is estimated to reach to about 9 billion people in 2050. Naturally, the rate of use of water will increase if population increases. Environmental destruction is one of the worst unforeseen results of globalization. It is indirectly an effect of world economics. Poor countries have been gaining larger debts to global institutions like the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. To cope with the necessity to pay these loans, most poor countries are obliged to increase their production even beyond what is environmentally safe for its inhabitants. This has affected these nations in the form of pollution, deforestation, and depletion of other natural resources that affect the basic human needs such as water. On a smaller scale, globalization has increased the colonial mentality of people from the poor countries. This has brought about a reckless urban lifestyle. In Manila, Philippines, for example, the waste products of factories along its major river, Pasig River, has polluted the waters so badly that it has stifled the once abundant aquatic life. In September 1999, Greenpeace had river water samples analyzed and found out that the glass and chemical factories have indeed affected the river because it was loaded with non-biodegradable and poorly degradable toxic substances such as nickel, lead and copper (Greenpeace 2000). Connected to the problem of water pollution is water contamination. What may have been safe drinking water for poor communities may be affected by air emissions from coal-burning plants, lead in household pluming and old house paints (APEC 2007). This can cause many diseases like diarrhea, allergies and cancers. Due to distrust of the safety of drinking water, poor people are also encouraged to buy purified drinking water which is an additional cost for living. This not only increases the profits of big multinational companies but also becomes a burden to many families who cannot afford it. Another by product of globalization that affects water is deforestation. Many countries like Indonesia have been pressured to manufacture enough products that are highly dependent on wood. This has caused the proliferation of illegal logging and denudation of tropical forests. Indonesia is second only to Brazil in its forestry which is the natural habitat of many species. With the government's thrust towards economic survival, the nation has been popular for allowing the destruction of these forests. It has realized its problems only recently with Forestry Production Director General Suharyanto saying that denudation is partly to blame for floods that caused extensive damage including material losses in the country every year (Asia Pulse 2003). The Philippines has also been experiencing many landslides that have claimed many lives due to the problem of deforestation. The roots of trees are what hold the ground firmly for places like hills and forests. The communities that live in these habitats have been victims of landslides when tropical storms rage the mountain sides. In Eastern Philippines, last 2006, a 10 day length of rain has resulted to a mudslide that covered a village of 1000 inhabitants (Bayron 2006). These communities have been victims but were also instruments of their fate because they are known to have encouraged illegal logging because of pressure to work for scrupulous companies who take advantage of the villager's ignorance and need for money. But how does the denudation of forests affect water in our environment? Tropical forests are part of the whole ecosystem that is directly involved in the rain cycle. According to Al Gores essay entitled the Shadow Our Future Throws, he was personally able to see the way the water cycle revolves around the Amazon forests. He saw that after a thunderstorm, clouds of moisture began to rise from the trees to form new rain clouds that moved west (Gore 51). Therefore, massive losses of forest areas directly decrease the factors that will produce much needed rain for agriculture and other environmental resources. Rain is needed for new crops to grow. It is needed by any organisms to live in their natural habitat. It is needed for the earth to be healthy enough so that the ground stays firm and does not easily erode. This also has great impact on the total ecological system not only of one country but of the world because it also affects global warming. The alteration of the rain cycle has led to situations of El Nio and La Nia. El Nio results to a change in the weather of different parts of the globe because of increased rainfall across the Southern tier of US and Peru which caused flooding and drought in the West Pacific (US Department of Commerce 2007). La Nia on the other hand, is the exact opposite of El Nio because it is a climate phenomenon that causes floods, massive cyclones and endless rain (Australian Broadcasting Corporation 2000). This instability in weather conditions can greatly affect the production of our natural resources and water supply. Forests are not the only natural areas that are being abused because of globalization. Mangroves are also being depleted in favor of capitalism. The advent of a very lucrative prawn farming industry has entailed the destruction of mangroves and associated coastal breeding ground for fish (Broswimmer 90). It has also affected agriculture because the salt water that the mangroves used to block is now getting into the rice fields. Salt water is bad for the crops. Unnecessary water can be devastating to the overall production of rice which is a main staple for many countries all over the world. The sad thing about this is that this is being promoted by great institutions like the World Bank and International Monetary Fund so that poor countries can be able to pay off their debts. However, even if the debts were paid, its cost to nature increases the possibility of man losing his very existence on earth. Water is our primary source for life. It affects all the things around us. It has a great effect on the temperature of the earth. It has a hand in growing our food. It provides us the stability of the ground that we build our homes upon. What can be done? With the widespread and global nature of the problem, one can feel helpless in fighting the hands of industrialization and capitalism. However, if many people will unite, many governments and social structures can be fought so that a better environment can be upheld. Many organizations such as Greenpeace and World Wildlife Federation are doing their best to make everyone aware of the catastrophe being fueled by globalization. However, many still do not hear nor heed their calls for better environmental policies. The media portrays opposing views of scientists in the issues regarding the environment but ignore the fact that more scientists are saying that we need to take action compared to those who do not believe that the environment needs this focus. A lot has to be done and joining hands internationally together is the only way that mankind can be able to survive this global problem that it has made. Works Cited APEC. 2007. Water and Health. 07 June 2007>. Asia Pulse. 14 March 2003 Indonesia to Restrict Logging in Java. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. 2000. Who is La Nina. Broswimmer, Franz J. Ecocide and Globalization. London: Pluto, 2002. Bayron, Heda 17 February 2006. Philippine Landslide Buries Village Hundreds Missing. Gore, Al. 2007. Earth in the Balance. New York: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1992. Greenpeace. 2000. Industrial Pollution in Pasig River. 07 June 2007
Monday, November 25, 2019
Enraged Driving essays
Enraged Driving essays If you have ever been driving down the road, minding your own business, and got cut off, ran off the road, or were given the finger than you have fallen victim to road rage. Each day Americans grow more and more likely to take out their personal frustrations on other drivers. It is called aggressive driving and it is on the incline. Other forms of aggressive driving you have probably experienced include such things as illegal or improper lane changes or turns, failing to stop or yield right of way, excessive speeds, and an assortment of gestures, looks and verbally abusive language. Everyday you have to deal with these people on our roads. We run a great risk just driving around the corner to go to the store or a quiet trip to church. Two-thirds of car related fatalities are at least partially caused by aggressive driving. Fortunately, there is something you can do about it. To overcome aggressive driving we must first understand it. The major cause of aggressive driving is a discourteous or inattentive driver. The number one cause is probably the "left-lane hog" other discourteous driving behaviors include failure to signal before a lane change, changing lanes too closely to other drivers and tailgating. It is then that you, an unaware driver that infuriates the aggressive driver and triggers the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde transformation. Reduced enforcement, highway traffic, congestion or personal issues also play a large role in the disposition of the aggressive driver. The angry driver then may demonstrate his displeasure by speeding around the you, cutting you off or with a number of verbal and nonverbal messages. Though the driver may feel justified in his or her action, this kind of display is most times very dangerous and often will result in damage to either your car, you, and possibly anyone else around. As mentioned before, two-thirds of the 42,000 highway deaths last year were related to aggressive d ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Critical Thinking and Decision Making Research Paper
Critical Thinking and Decision Making - Research Paper Example I am not the kind of person who just goes with a decision because it feels right; I have to be able to justify it through facts and evidence. The downside to this approach is that some times I can take too long to make decisions and by that time it is too late to change anything. Other people can become frustrated by my decision-making efforts because I don’t appear to know what I am doing, but actually I am sometimes guilty of over thinking things. If I am to speed up my thought processes, then I will need to set time boundaries that force me to make a decision by. I will also take to heart the words of Andrew Jackson: â€Å"†¦when the time for action has come, stop thinking and act†(Clark, 2012). If I can find a balance between strategizing and acting, then I should become a better decision maker. It is important to have a variety of approaches to management and decision making because there are some variables that can change at a moment’s notice. In order to be prepared for sudden changes, it is best to have a couple of backup plans that can be implemented if things don’t exactly turn out as planned. Part of being a successful manager is considering all the options on the table and then sticking with one but keeping some options in reserve. That way, the research and planning stages would have already been carried out and the new strategy can be integrated seamlessly. In Critical Thinking: Concepts and Tools, the authors state, "Excellence in thought, however, must be systematically cultivated" (Elder & Paul, 2009, p. 2). What will you do to improve your level of critical thinking? How will this improve your abilities as a manager and as a graduate student? I will improve my level of critical thinking by sticking to the point. I have a bad habit of getting sidetracked from an issue, and this slows down my critical thinking. In order to change this, I will need to be â€Å"on the lookout for fragmented thinking,
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Why does the movie Blackfish address a Marketing problem Essay
Why does the movie Blackfish address a Marketing problem - Essay Example A critical look at the movie would suggest that it essentially inform its audience that SeaWorld, the organization which manages and runs this business, is not only hiding certain important aspects regarding the actual ethical impact of their business but it is also being engaged in activity which can be dangerous not only for the animals but for the humans also. It essentially outlines the need to balance the ethics with informing the target market regarding the overall impact of such activities. (CIEPLY, 2014) Considering the above situation, it is therefore clear that the movie actually highlights the important marketing problem of how the organizations actually fail to maintain effective public relations. The movie clearly outlines as to how the firms actually engage in actions which may attract the negative publicity and hurt the image of the organization. Consumers are increasingly becoming complex and more informed in nature and considering the increase in the overall emphasis on the role businesses can play in ensuring sustainability suggests that marketing requires more ethical orientation towards this. The overall impact of the organizational activities on the consumers and other stakeholders therefore necessitate that the organizations must focus on behaving and acting ethically. Considering the overall situation depicted in the movie, it is clear that the SeaWorld has failed to act ethically and highlights the important ethical issue. It highlights as to how the firm is actually marketing and selling a product which is essentially dangerous for the lives of the consumers and those who interact with them. The blackfish is based upon how the captive Tilikum Orca can actually endanger the lives of others and how the firm actually failed to reveal this and other related information to their target audience. What is critical to note however the fact is that both the firms seem not be acting in ethically and socially responsible behavior. The
Monday, November 18, 2019
Internet Technology, Marketing and Security Essay
Internet Technology, Marketing and Security - Essay Example oducts, one such company is the Sony Corporations whose official playstation website recently underwent a major security breach affecting around 70 million subscribers worldwide. The website is well equipped with all the information of the products and the game contents. It consists of information about all the playstations launched so far and also the new game developments going on. The popularity of playstations worldwide is well highlighted on the website and the information clearly justifies why it is so popular around the world. The website clearly mentions the company’s contact address for correspondence which is quite appreciable as the customer’s come to know how genuine the information on the website will be by knowing the company’s profile. The customization of products on the website is also remarkable, including the latest launched products, upcoming games, most popular choices and also competitions inviting hard core gamers. The customer’s information required to join the PS network is basically the e-mail id for subscription of newsletters, new launches, Gaming updates etc, and other basic information about the customer. The marketing strategy of a company determines the hold of its product in the market over the competitors. Though Sony has a established market for its products, its strategies keep it alive and grab the edge over the competitors. Analysing the position of competitors is the foremost strategy for effective marketing of company’s product. The customer’s response and needs are relatively studied to set up the marketing strategies. The company ensures optimum quality levels to satisfy customers to gain their loyalty in the market. Proper and planned strategies ensure better sales and less difficulty in facing competition. The next strategy that almost all companies seek is knowing their customers better. Launching products according to people and places also ensures better sales and profit and less troubles in creating a
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Evaluating NATO Intervention in Kosovo
Evaluating NATO Intervention in Kosovo INTERNATIONAL LAW NATOs MISSION in KOSOVO ABSTRACT In the course of the NATO mission and its ramifications to people all over the world, a number of literature depicting this issue and concerns in international laws and national security have been widespread. This seminar paper endeavors to explore the details surrounding the legitimacy of NATO in the war indicated as the NATO mission in Kosovo by providing an analysis with regard to the facts surrounding NATO intervention and deliberating on the future implications that this mission hold in respect to international law. INTERNATIONAL LAW NATOs MISSION in KOSOVO Introduction When a terrorist captures people and turns them into hostages in their very homeland and the law enforcement or armed forces storm in violently causing havoc to the country, they will be placing the hostages more at risk. What is worse and more irresponsible would be to gain entry into another area of the vicinity since it is more secure and there is no terrorist present and begins to damage things valuable to the inhabitants. Such an approach would look as if preferably considered to position the hostages in the most likely risk. Nobody in his right mind concerned about the security of the hostages would conduct an operation this way, nevertheless it is precisely the approach followed by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) is also referred to as the North Atlantic Alliance. It is an international governmental organization military alliance founded on the North Atlantic Treat. The organization holds a system to maintain a collective security, of which affiliates had declared to be in agreement to mutual defense taking action against an attack from an outside force. While NATO attempted to rapidly put in force peace efforts in Kosovo, the way that the organization performs its actions received unsympathetic criticisms. Merely for the reason that the administration by Milosevic was obviously in gross contravention of a number of international laws did not outright give good reason for any reaction devoid of rigorous examination and analysis. This analysis endeavors to explore the details surrounding the legitimacy of NATO in the war indicated as the NATO mission in Kosovo by responding to the research question; was NATO intervention in Kosovo just, and what are the future implications that this mission hold in respect to international law? NATO Mission in Kosovo The objectives of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) on the subject of the tension in Kosovo were explained in the declaration delivered during the very particular conference by the North Atlantic Council conducted at NATO were confirmed by different Heads of State and the Government in Washington. Consequently, the objectives of NATO regarding the conflict in Kosovo were concretely outlined. (The NATO Press Release 1999, Sc. 1-3) These were indicated in the Statement of the Chairman, Resolution 1244 (1999) Annex 1. A succinct overview of The Washington Declaration takes account of NATO objectives which in summary suggests a confirmable discontinue of all military engagement and the abrupt eradication of violent behavior and subjugation; the pulling out from Kosovo of the armed forces, law enforcement, and assisting official military forces; the posting of international military presence in Kosovo; the unrestricted and safety of all refugees and displaced persons coming back and unconstrained access of humanitarian aid organizations to those individuals; and the formation of a political agenda arrangement for Kosovo based on the Rambouillet Accords (Beckert 1999, p.16), to conform with the international law and the Charter of the United Nations. (The NATO Press Release, 1999) Distinctions between alliances and coalitions This analysis endeavors to explore the details surrounding the legitimacy of NATO in the war indicated as the NATO mission in Kosovo. The focus of this paper is on current events, but it also delves on thehistory oftherelationshipconsideringtheoreticalapproachesand concepts. Current affairs of the Atlantic Community are embeddedintheir historicalevolution. They cannot be comprehensively elucidated without theoreticalconstructs.Therefore, in an endeavor to encompass all essential elements and raise law-oriented and theoretical notions, it is imperative to tackle the distinctions between alliances and coalitions in consideration of the NATO organization. The attacks in 2001 that shocked the whole world were construed in a variety of ways by different nations as well as local and international organizations. Numerous states in the country had initiated their readiness to be included in responding to measures opposed to terrorism. The finishing off of the Cold War and the departure of a fired up antagonism has altered the strategies to security cohesion on the part of allied states. Furthermore, the unmatched standing of the United States as an excessively active force in the most indistinct implication has dealt American strategists with a predicament since conventional alliances may present both advantages and disadvantages. Progressively more, the disadvantages have succeeded. In political terms, the possibilities of accomplishing harmony among the twenty-six member states of NATO have diminished. Harmony, at one time the high point of Alliance cohesion, has become now impossible and unnecessary. (Yost, 1998) Coalitions of the disposed can be generated from within a much unrestricting miscellany of states, and the uncertainty occurs if the Alliance is now turning out to be an instrument for the conveyance of a discriminatory European allegiance to an American inclusive order of a global scale. According to Steinberg (2003, p. 115), NATO had referred to Article V, a combined defense specification. Other international organizations conveyed their pronouncement to partake within the collective endeavor to buoy up the movement against terrorism. Beginning in the year 2002, the initial operations of Romanian groups, for instance, to unite with the Coalition Forces in Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan, has embodied an ultimate pace in the Eastern European countries to become affiliates of NATO. Since that period, various countries of sorts have taken on a new structure of values in the course of their desire to form a junction with the association of democracy and freedom. The conflicts feature has been changed fundamentally in recent years owing to the asymmetrical distinctiveness of defiance. In addition, from the standpoints of the new-fangled international challenges, the increasing emergent of international organizations and local measures, it is apparent that there is necessity of general principles, norm, and regulations for its class of organizations. (Steinberg 2003, p. 130) NATOs main role in nations it focuses on is to assist the existing government in putting into effect and broadening its influence and authority across the country, overlaying the means for renewal and operative governance. The organization accomplishes this predominately by way of its United Nations authorization for International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). From the moment NATO had assumed command of ISAF in the year 2003, the Alliance has progressively stretched out the scope of its mission, formerly just limited to Kabul, to encompass Afghanistans entire territory. The number of ISAF groups has increased correspondingly from the preliminary five thousand to more or less eighty thousand troops which had come from forty-four nations that comprise all twenty-eight NATO members. (Hamilton, 2004) The waning of NATO had been prognosticated a lot of times subsequent to the ending of the Cold War and with even more after the devastation aggravated by Iraq warfare seven years prior. The composers of NATO recordings are not in concurrence with regard to the causes of downfall which vary from unevenness of power to conflicting world views encompassing the Atlantic, but they have the same opinion with regard to NATO, at the same time still remains, is in effect demise. The decision makers of the Alliance had learned to distinguish and perform within the limits within which the Alliance is supposed to function if it is to carry on. This is noteworthy. During the latter part of the 1990s, political determination and reality had conflicted in Kosovo, bringing forth NATOs most terrible post-Cold War catastrophe. Since the devastation, NATO had prepared for a Riga summit which continued with the investments completed since the Prague summit of Allied leaders concerning NATOs conversion i nto a twenty-first century alliance. Indicated ambitions had aligned with reality and NATO had been supposed to be on the right track for revitalization. (Hursoy Esrin, 2004) In consideration of aligning aspiration with reality, the involvement in Kosovo in 1999 had demonstrated a number of symptoms of melancholy within the Alliance and it was in the response of the Allies to this move that it was found the reasons why NATO is directed for restitution. The involvement of NATO in Kosovo had progressed into an unpredictably long-drawn-out less significant air war, which caused the Allies to oppose NATO approach, the United States to assume that military operations had to be coursed beyond the cooperative entities of NATO, and European Allies to sustain the European Unions new security and defense policy (ESDP). (Meyer 2004, pp. 90-91) The intervention of NATO corresponded to the conclusion of nearly ten long years of political casual interest with the aspiration of unification in a range of pretexts that Europe has to be undivided and emancipated, the democratic community has to be broadened, NATO has to act as solitary, and NATO has to exemplify and through its actions characterize unanimous democratic and humanitarian principles. Furthermore, devoid of a tactical intimidation, these compulsions and objectives as expected led into the attempt to make NATO a united security organization for Europe. Kosovo was only this test occurrence of which NATO took action with no mandate from the United Nation and had laid assertion to legitimacy. (Mayer 2004, p. 93) Subsequently, realities had then succeeded. The Allies had found not just that they were not prepared to actually wage war for these values, hence the nonexistence of a ground war, but also that principles are no replacement for politics and the welfare they engender; hence, the arguments within NATO. These occurrences had stimulated a transformation of movement in NATO. The arrangements for the 2002 Prague Summit and the renovation program that was reorganized in Riga correspond to an alliance of ambition with reality. (Croft 2002, p.98) The initial point is not the aspiration to take action united but the necessity to construct an Alliance that remains united but takes action flexibly in coalitions determined by interests and means. There are by then positive signs of transformation. The NATO Response Force, reforming the new force structure concentrated on all set and organized forces; the sinewy of the command assembly and reserves prepared in itinerant headquarters below the rank of strategic authority; and the new political focal point on irregular intimidations that come from beyond the European constituency. They indicate that NATO imply seriousness of concern when it opts to make an matter its concern, and they guarantee that Allies who decide to lend a hand in certain missions will be able to accomplish it. NATO is a preferred alliance, which indicates that its renewal is bound to happen. It will come about when decision-makers make the appropriate choices as they have already done. (Jones, 2005, p. 15) Theoretical/Conceptual Framework This analysis with regard to the NATO mission in Kosovo related to transatlantic relations focuses on current events and references with history to the relationship, to theoretical approaches and concepts. This will commence examination of documentary resources such as literature reviews, articles, theses, research projects, among others. In addition, the study will examine the data through surveys, observations and core personality interviews from where originally obtained. Collection of pertinent data from the various sources of statistical data, the number of deaths caused by the conflict, and number of families removed from their homes, and so on is explored. Overall, this analysis looks on various classes of data that are gathered and studies conducted to distinguish patterns and put together assumptions that might guide future action. Coalitions and alliances are fundamental attributes of international security. (Papp, 1984) This analysis examines these directly associated observable facts by means of an amalgamation of conceptual frameworks to explore them and empirical research studies to demonstrate them. The examination commences with an exploration of the problematic distinctive issues that envelop the distinctions between ‘alliance and ‘coalition, then outlines the major conceptual theoretical works pertinent to examining these phenomena, such as balance of power, intra-alliance politics, and multinational processes. Outfitted with these investigative tools, these concepts may be applied to this study of details surrounding the legitimacy of NATO in the war and the future implications that this mission hold in respect to international law. Through the process of investigating various literatures and peer-reviewed articles, as well as current events in recent years will gain both a conceptual and practicable understanding of supposed The United Nations Development Programmes Human Development Report of 1994 initially purported the conception of ‘human security. This is commonly known as â€Å"people-centered security or security with a human face.†(Thomas 2000, p. 6) Human security situates people instead of the states at the center of security matters. (Howorth, 2005) This framework delves on the aspects of human security which include freedom from desire; freedom from terror; and the freedom to settle with dignity. It regards the challenging nature of the conception and evaluates its importance for being aware of the development of the security discipline. Some literatures and resources delves particularly on human security concerns associated with terrorism, subjugation, warfare, humanitarian interventi on, and the responsibility to safeguard doctrine, as well as the framework of international governance for progressing human security in terms of international laws. (Hursoy Esrin, 2004) Peacetime alliance behaviors and the standards of carrying out military operations when necessary in conjunction with allies seem to be the existing principles within provisions of international laws. This seminar paper will include an emphasis on NATO and the role of various countries as well as international organizations as alliance or coalition collaborators in historical and contemporary conflicts. In addition, this seminar paper also takes into account the developing nature of security in the perspective of international politics. It centers on peer-reviewed articles about non-military challenges to security at the same time recognizing the associations between these and conventional security matters. Among the subject matter being deliberated in various literatures include international law and security; the privatization and economics related to security; energy resources; environmental problems; population dynamics; gender and age standpoints on security; the predicaments of frail and weakening states; transnational organized crime; and new methods of warfare. The general purpose of the study is to take account of issues and points of view that confront the way security is conventionally identified with. It is imperative to identify the different elements that comprise the concept of human security being tackled in this study as future actions in terms of international laws on warfare are considered. The primary essential element is the likelihood of the general public to settle in harmony and security within their individual boundaries. This involves the facility of states and the people to thwart and get to the bottom of conflicts by means of diplomatic and non-violent processes and, when the discord is terminated, the capability to successfully implement reconciliation activities. The next element is that people must benefit from non-discriminatory implementation of rights and obligations which include human, political, social, economic, as well as cultural rights that being a citizen of a state implies. Another element is social inclusion or the idea of obtaining equated access to the political, social, and economic law-making processes, and to gain the same benefits from them. T he next element is that of the institution of the rule of law and the autonomy of the justice system. (Ogata, 1998) Every member of a society must have equal rights and obligations and be under similar set of guidelines. According to a statement delivered by Ogata (1998), these fundamental elements which are derived from the conception of equality of all before the law, in effect get rid of any threat of uncertainty which so repeatedly makes itself apparent in discrimination, exploitation, or subjugation. Following these conflicts, a new-fangled understanding of the conception of security is developing. Once upon a time tantamount to the protection of territory from external onslaught, the necessities of security in the present day have come to take on the security of communities and persons from internal aggression. The necessity for a more human-centered outlook to security is strengthened by the enduring threats that armaments of mass destruction, subjugation, hostility, among others pose to humanity of which their very label discloses their capacity and their anticipated purpose if they were ever utilized. Society has to open up its prospect of what is peace and security. Peace suggests much more than the nonexistence of war. Human security cannot be comprehended in absolutely military means. Preferably, it must include economic progress, social justice, environmental security, autonomy, reduction in arms, and valuing of human rights and laws. Narrative of the Political/Policy Theme Yugoslavia was formed mainly for defense purposes; however, as MacMillan (2001, 111-3) asserts, the Serbs had wanted more than what they had. They desired for Serbia to become the principal and governing force in Yugoslavia. Macedonia and Slovenia had not continued to get involved in the federation for the reason that Milosevic yearned to converge all his influence where he would gain collaboration and significant cooperation. Any location where there was an amply hefty Serbian inhabitants, whom he could supply with weapons to construct a Greater Serbia, he favors that, and in mind for Milosevic as Head of State. (Ignatieff 2001, p. 48) Following the mass execution at Sarajevo and Srebrenica, the Dayton Accords were approved. This event had directed NATO to pay a visit to Milosevic as a gentleman they could transact with, since at Dayton, he so amiably dealt Sarajevo for the Muslims, deceiving the Serbs at Bosnia. Nonetheless, Milosevic intentionally left Kosovo and was not part of the contract. The harsh negotiation given by NATO had not been successful in taking the Bosnian war offenders answerable to what happened to Sarajevo and Srebrenica into custody. Hence, Milosevic expected it would keep on making dialogues which concern human rights and do not a thing about it. (Ignatieff 2001, pp. 50-51) Almost half a decade of redundant intimidations appeared to substantiate ideas in peoples minds. NATO had looked disinclined engage in warfare for its principles. But NATO did. There have been casualties even before the intervention, and as it progressed and criticized by many, fatalities seemed to add up until its termination some years ago. At the same time as the nuclear upsurge had been stalled during the 1970s and 1980s, and industrialized nations recognized that they required traditional weaponry, not strong ones which are useless, they had pursued a new kind of equipment. The ascent of moral as well as human rights discourse in terms of security had elevated the standards of artillery to reduce collateral damage and diminish or get rid of the risks to individuals and entities using them. These transformations had resulted to arsenal that would strike the targets with great precision, and cause not that much devastation within the sphere of the targets surroundings. (Ignatieff 2001, p. 163) Interested parties had continued this endeavor by creating a number of technological innovations. Lasers had enhanced precision targeting; computer gadgets had started to make use of satellites to hit targets with accuracy; propulsion systems had improved the reach of missiles and bombs were prepared to be less harmful to people. This indicated that both the person making the target as well as the onlookers who are often civilians were more secured; and automated drones to make close watch activities safe for those who flew the planes. (Ignatieff 2001, p. 166) Precision weaponry comprised only eight percent of the explosives that were used in Iraq; and so far, some new missile types could do greater feats far from what were previously created. The regulated threatening features, the dangers it got rid of in support of the major players and the crucial repercussions for the adversaries have improved weaponry. (Ignatieff 2001, p. 167) The opponents had a good idea that if the Americans utilized such equipment and expertise, which was far more advanced than majority of the other weaponry in the world, it would need the same technology, which most nations do not have the capacity to obtain, to thrash them out during battle. Responsibility to Protect refers to a manuscript issued by the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. (Commission, 2001) This specifies the rights as well as responsibilities of states in terms of interventions to stop huge numbers of fatalities. (Commission 2001, XII) It specifies four protective doctrines that intervening authorities have to wear out prior to procuring military combat. On the basis of the Responsibility to Protect, any relevant personality should have arbitrated to halt the combating. They had used up tactful means like peace talk actions, trade prohibitions, premeditated separation of Serbs and Albanians (Ignatieff 2001, pp. 25, 32-4), but all these to no purpose. Evidently, Milosevic was not settling. He was anticipating that, either of two things. That NATO would not continue on its intimidations or that, if the organization did, he may breach the Alliance and the support of the Western public for the involvement before it attained its objectives. (Ignatieff 2001, pp. 48, 59-66) Kosovo is situated in southern Serbia comprised mostly of ethnic Albanians. It was an autonomous state within the former Yugoslavia. Slobodan Milosevic, the head of Serbia had changed its status in 1989 by eradicating autonomy and had since then been under the control of the Serbian capital, Belgrade. There was a strong opposition expressed by the Kosovar Albanians. Almost ten years after, there have been deaths for around one thousand five hundred Kosovar Albanians and four hundred thousand people forced out of their own residences. (Walker, 2000) The world became grimly concerned regarding the rising conflict, the turnout of deaths, and the danger of it opening out to other nations. Apparently, President Milosevics discount for political interventions intended to peacefully put an end to the problem and the threatening role of the radical Kosovar Albanian forces was also problematical. This resulted to an excessive use of force brought by the Serbian security forces as well as the Yugoslav defending forces. The United Nations Security Council Resolution had turned out to be majorly instrumental but grave situations soon escalated which necessitated renewed international interventions. NATO, as reported had endeavored to make a possible transport of than 4666 tons of food and water supplies, 4325 tons of other provisions, 2624 tons of tents and almost 1600 tons of medical supplies had been brought to the region. It is approximated that 1.5 million citizens or ninety percent of Kosovo population, had been removed from their homes. Some 225,000 Kosovar individuals were reported missing. And there were at the least some five thousand Kosovars who had been executed all through these events. (Walker, 2000) Analysis In the area under discussion with regard to alliances and coalitions that may have influenced NATOs action towards the case of Kosovo, as a critic, may point out coalitions may undercut the Alliance for the reason that in the lack of common or collective risks, alliances appear spaced out. This is purportedly what had occurred in the Iraq War seven years prior. The United States had taken up its contentious course of action in the mission have got to establish the coalition to the situation where NATO virtually relinquished on its treaty obligation. (Jones, 2005) In particular, at the time Turkey in the early part of 2003 had asked for security conferences, which by the way is a natural right by law as stipulated in Article 4. It was these nations, particularly France, Belgium, and Germany which felt a forthcoming American undertaking that followed this appeal to unfasten deadlocked international relations and acquire international reinforcement using NATOs treaty obligations. These allies as a result had opposed NATO discussions in order not to influence UN Security Council negotiations. It had taken discreet resourcefulness to arrive at a concession in those impassioned days. (Jones 2005, p. 17) From the various writings of different personalities with regard to the issue, it is apparent that the means to integrating the Alliance with coalition formation dwells in a continuous strategic discourse delving on all germane issues, in the nonexistence of any simulated constraint. Such a discussion will function to shed light on premeditated matters of interest and put decision-making in order. It will conspicuously rally round the Allies to negotiate among themselves where the Allies may stand prepared to arise a coalition that fulfills their supposed interests will contract to acquire the reinforcement of NATO entirely. This is because they know that eventually they will have need for it. The other Allies will have to negotiate for the reason that it will present them with a chance to structure the coalition without having to take part in it. To cut a long story short, NATO as an alliance can make it possible for coalitions by expounding tactical interests and by presenting a ve nue for negotiations. NATOs so-called â€Å"peace talk actions commenced in Raombouillet, France. In Western media, the Rambouillet Agreement was posted and reported as it was written and no further explanation, probably due to limited investigation. However, Drozdiak (1999) reports the following: â€Å"The principal stumbling block to achieving an agreement at the 12-day-old Kosovo peace talks outside Paris remains the opposition of the Serb-led Belgrade government to accepting a NATO-led force†¦. senior Western officials said†¦. that if Belgrades intransigence thwarts an agreement, it is almost a certainty that NATO airstrikes would begin by early next.†(Drozdiak 1999, p. A01) In this report, the usage of the words â€Å"peacekeeping force†(Drozdiak 1999, p. A01) presents the Belgrade administration as unreasonably stubborn and intractable. Definitely, no personality would want to engage in fighting. Peace is always upheld to maintain harmonization and continuity of daily acts of living. In this line of thought, if NATO had the opinion that it had no other alternative but to pronounce a war, the unyieldingness of Belgrade would be held accountable. There have been assumptions that the Racac supposed massacre accusations were actually clandestinely planned by the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in collaboration with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), and had pointed finger towards the Serbs which was held accountable. The supposed people behind this were those same individuals who demanded the Milosevic affix his signature to the agreement. Apparently, the information indicated in the Rambouillet Agreement, which Milosevic was being directed to put his signature on at gun point, were not once mentioned in the Western media. Actually, the details of the agreement were not even interpreted, just posted. (Drozdiak 1999, p. A01) This is not acceptable in terms of unbiased reporting and transparency. In order to understand the actions performed and decisions made by the Yugoslavs, it must be informed in detail, especially if it is an international crisis that may impact other nations in the future in terms of conflicts and repressio n. The stipulations of the Rambouillet Agreement successfully segregated the region of Kosovo from the Republic of Serbia. This had left the radical members of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) and had become the regional power. This occurrence was enough reason by itself for any nation not to authorize. No country would care for to sign, under coercion or threat a document arranged by an external authority or foreign power, much less terrorists and intended to take away a portion of the country and particularly the very region considered the structure of the peoples culture. This was not the only evident situation that hinders the authorization many years ago. Some excerpts of the NATO â€Å"peacekeeping force†from the Rambouillet Agreement appear to indicate making NATO as the position of most eminent authority in Yugoslavia. They were insisting to authorize stipulations resembling the terms required by the assaulting Nazis during the Second World War. Sign or we will bomb you,†(Boustany 1999, p. A18) were the supposed words that came from NATO directed to Milosevic. For the reason that the document was aimed like so that it was out of the question to sign, NATO was evidently pronouncing war. In addition, Foreign Minister Vollebaek, Chairman of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) has thorough knowledge and good understanding of the agreement. â€Å"The pressure is mounting Knut Vollebaek †¦said yesterday about concerted efforts to subdue Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic into accepting a peace process for Kosovo under threat of a NATO military strike.†(Boustany 1999, p. A18) From this article, it would appear that things were being embellished with a bit of truthfulness. However, this does not make things better. The Rambouillet Agreement was conjured up to be a pronouncement of imminent war, but the mainstream media presented it as a peace talk process. The core personalities behind this comprise Vollebaek as the principal figure in the effort to overcome Milosevic to authorize the supposed â€Å"peace process†being initiated by NATO. Vollebaek and his cohorts asserted that Albanian factions or secessionists including the national groups within Kosovo are nearing to sign the agreement. That is far from the truth. Although some people does not share this sentiment, this had been pervading the thoughts of a lot of people, particularly at the time the situation had been known overseas and had become a major concern of international organizations. From these reports that came from the Washington Post and other media sources, it had appeared as though the media reportage of the nations discord was undeserved and overlooked or to some extent had obscured a lot of significant portions that had taken place during the crisis. The propaganda and blatant abuse of basic rights by the Milosevic administration is well-known and in the main acquiesced. Nonetheless, the majority of the media reports
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Female Depression among Group Home Residents Essay -- Social Psycholog
A greater insight into female depression could lead to improvements in group home settings. Specifically with a focus on youth (ages 12-17), the relationship between experience in the justice system will be gathered and interpreted with emotions and symptoms of depression. Critically exploration of the relationship between females who experience symptoms of depression and the justice system using respondents who reside in group homes will lead to a greater understanding of the causes and services that could be made available. Defining Concepts For the purposes of this study depression is â€Å"based on a predicted probability of a person experiencing a major depressive episode (Mitura & Bollman, 2004).†Questions which address â€Å"feelings of sadness, depression, losing interest in most things, feeling tired/low energy, trouble concentrating and trouble falling asleep over the previous 12 months†would be effective for gathering data specific to this study (Mitura & Bollman, 2004). Youth will be defined as participants between the ages of 12 and 17. Experience in the justice system is expanded to include personal encounters in both the capacity of a victim and offender. Group homes are â€Å"community - based homes for young people who are in need of group care (McMann Youth, Family and Community Services Association, 2009)†. Group homes in this study are characterized by the structured, planned and supervised nature of the programs within the home and based upon the assessed needs of the individual ( Ibid) Disciplines The disciplines related to the research being conducted include the fields of psychology and medicine. Psychology covers the aspects of the mind and behaviour of those suffering from depression. The medical field in also di... ...f replicated, similar results would surface (Berg, 2009). This research project will uncover opinions and experiences through interviews and potentially focus groups. Conclusion Females living in a group home setting lack research into depression related to the criminal justice system. Although the subject matter may evoke a great deal of personal hardships, the results would lead to a better understanding of the negative effects of our justice system on girls that do not have continuous parental support. The group home setting provides challenges with obtaining subjects, although with access to this vulnerable population, depression rates could be decreased. The experiences and emotions that come out of this study will provide a glimpse into to complex life of depressed Calgary girls living in group care and hopefully bring positive change to their lives.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Undecided Audience Outcome
Nikki Westerman En1420 Unit 2 assignment 1 Chapter review and trace 1. What are the five elements in the rhetorical situation? Use trace to help you remember. Answer: Text, Reader, author, constraints, Exigency. 2. How can a reader use the rhetorical situation to analyze an argument essay? The targeted readers are other students who have had or could have similar experiences. The author expects the students to identify with him and agree that such policies should be abolished.Other readers might include professors and administrators who would probably be less likely to agree with the author how a viewer cans use the rhetorical situation to analyze an image? The targeted viewers are people in the United States, but also in other parts of the world, who read this newspaper either online or in print. The photographer expects the audience to be interested in what is going on in Haiti in general, but also to show an interest in natural disasters of this sort.The photograph would expect a sympathetic audience who shares his humanitarian values. How can a writer use the rhetorical situation during the planning phase of writing a paper? As a writer you can use the rhetorical situation to help you think critically and make decisions about your own writing. 3. Why is the audience important in argument? T0 help give critical opinions what types of positions might an audience initially hold?A friendly audience, an undecided audience, a neutral audience, a hostile resistant audience an unfamiliar audience a linked audience. What possible outcomes are associated with arguments directed to each of these audiences the planned outcome is to confirm these audiences’ beliefs and strengthen their commitment. An undecided audience outcome can have final agreement with you anew interest in the issue and a commitment to work out a position on it. . What is discourse community? Audience’s affiliations. To what discourse communities do you belong? None how does a discours e community help establish common ground for its members? Monthly meetings 5. What is the universal audience? One who agrees on everything? What are the special qualities of the audience? There is none Why is it a useful idea? I didn’t find anything on this.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Skin Cancer Essays (1375 words) - Carcinoma, Dermatologic Surgery
Skin Cancer Essays (1375 words) - Carcinoma, Dermatologic Surgery Skin Cancer Every hour one American is killed by skin cancer and every thirty seconds one American gets skin cancer. Cancer is a deadly disease that alters the DNA of a skin cell and causes it to reproduce at a rapid pace. This overproduction of cells can be harmful and in many cases deadly. Out of these cancers the most common is Basal cell carcinoma. Many steps have been made in the treatment of Basal Cell Carcinoma, some have been very successful and some not. The cells that have the altered DNA are called malignant or cancerous cells. These cells are found in the outer layers of the skin. The skin's main job is to protect the body from infections and to insulate the body to keep it at the proper temperature. The first layer of skin is called the epidermis. This is the layer that is closest to the surface of the skin. There are three types of cells in this layer. The first is the squamace. The squamace cells are flat and scaly and are located closest to the surface of the skin. Second are the basal cells and finally are the melanocytes, which give the skin its color. The second layer of skin is the dermis, which is much thicker than the epidermis. This layer contains sweat glands, nerves and blood vessels. The dermis also contains follicles, which are tiny pockets from which the hair grows. The most common malignant cells are the basal cells. Cancer in the basal cell is called nonmelanoma cancer. This means that the cancer did not start in the melanocytes located in the epidermis. Basal Cell Carcinoma is caused by overexposure to the sun. The sun gives off ultraviolet rays, which are harmful to the human body. Basal cell carcinoma will affect body parts such as the eyes, ears and nose. If it is detected before it gets deep into the skin there will most likely be no problem treating the cancer. A problem will occur if it isn't detected quickly enough and it has progressed into the deep portions of the tissue. If Basal cell carcinoma is left untreated it can be very hard to treat and may even cause death. The common methods of treatment involve the use of Mohs micrographic surgery, radiation therapy, electrodesiccation and curettage, and simple excision. Each of these methods is useful in specific clinical situations. Depending on the case, these methods have cure rates r anging from 85% to 95%. Mohs micrographic surgery, a newer surgical technique, has the highest cure rate for surgical treatment of both primary and recurrent tumors. This method uses microscopic control to determine the extent of tumor invasion. Although Mohs micrographic surgery method is complicated and requires special training, it has the highest cure rate of all surgical treatments because the tumor is microscopically outlined until it is completely removed. While other treatment methods for recurrent basal cell carcinoma have failure rates of about 50%, cure rates have been reported at 96% when treated by Mohs micrographic surgery. Mohs micrographic surgery is also indicated for tumors with poorly defined clinical borders, tumors with diameters larger than two cm, tumors with histopathologic features showing morpheaform or sclerotic patterns, and tumors arising in regions where maximum preservation of uninvolved tissue is desirable, such as eyelid, nose and finger. Next there is a treatment involving simple excision with frozen or permanent sectioning for margin evaluation. This traditional surgical treatment usually relies on surgical margins ranging from three to ten millimeters, depending on the diameter of the tumor. Tumor recurrence is not uncommon because only a small fraction of the total tumor margin is examined pathologically. Recurrence rate for primary tumors greater than 1.5 cm in diameter is at least twelve percent within five years. If the primary tumor measures larger than three cm, the five year recurrence rate is 23.1%. Primary tumors of the ears, eyes, scalp, and nose have recurrence rates ranging from 12.9% to 25%. Third there is electrodesiccation and curettage. This method is the most widely employed method for removing primary basal cell carcinomas. Although it is a quick method for destroying tumor, adequacy of treatment cannot be assessed immediately since the surgeon cannot
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Amazing Grace essays
Amazing Grace essays Within the next few pages here I intend to address two issues. First I will try to give a personal review of what I saw this book to hold, and second I will try explain the revelence which this book has to the field of Public Administration. First try to picture children in a slum where the squalor in their homes is just as bad as that which is in the streets. Where prostitution is rampant, thievery a common place and murder and death a daily occurrence. Crack-cocaine and heroin are sold in corner markets, and the dead eyes of men and women wandering about aimlessly in the streets of Mott Haven are all to common., Their bodies riddled with disease, disease which seems to control the neighborhood. This is Mott Haven, in New York City's South Bronx, the outback of this American nation's poorest congressional district, also the setting of Jonathan Kozol's disturbing representation of poverty in this country. The stories, which are captured Amazing Grace, are told in the simplest terms. They are told by children who have seen their parents die of AIDS and other disease, by mothers who complain about teenagers bagging dope and loading guns on fire escapes, by clergy who teach the poor to fight injustice and by police who are afraid to answer 911 calls. Kozol seems to be disparage about the situation of the poor in American today, especially when more and more the poor are blamed for being poor. Kozols portrait of life in Mott Haven is gentle and passionate. Even though rats may chew through apartment walls in the homes of Mott Haven, the children still say their prayers at night. What seems to bother Kozol is that many people do not even want to look at this picture of America, but in Amazing Grace he dares us to recognize it does exist. Kozol spent a year wandering through Mott Haven and its neighboring communities; visiting churches, schools, hospitals, parks, and homes. Talking with...
Monday, November 4, 2019
Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6
Summary - Essay Example However whether obtaining ISO 9001 certificate and the registration process efforts impact or benefit competitiveness and profitability need to be critically analyzed. The aim of the present paper is to summarize the article written by Han, Sim and Ebrahimpour (222) for the International Journal Services and Operations Management, titled â€Å"Relationships among ISO 9001, competitive dimensions and profitability†to understand and bring light on this perspective. 2. Summary of the article The main purpose of Han, Sim and Ebrahimpour (222) article is â€Å"to better understand the relationships among ISO 9001 certification, competitive dimensions and profitability by focusing on two major industries in the USA†. The research was conducted using survey questionnaire. 2.1 Background and Hypothesis The authors introduced their article by stressing upon the ISO 9001 certification importance and its impact on improvement of quality. They also stated that significant discipli ne is needed in ISO 9001 implementation and its principles ensure that output consistency can be improved by procedures that are well planned and documented, resulting in achieving the goals of quality improvement and reduction of cost easily. ... However as customers’ needs are dynamic so is the world class manufacturing company’s operations strategy. Thus authors have conducted an empirical research to also understand the present relationship between registration efforts of ISO 9001 and firm’s profitability and its four competitive dimensions. After conducting a thorough past literature review Han, Sim and Ebrahimpour (224) tested nine hypothesis that are illustrated using the below figure The nine hypothesis tested in this research are listed below â€Å"H1 ISO 9001 registration efforts have a positive effect on quality. H2 ISO 9001 registration efforts have a positive effect on cost reduction. H3 ISO 9001 registration efforts have a positive effect on flexibility. H4 ISO 9001 registration efforts have a positive effect on dependability. H5 ISO 9000 registration efforts have a positive effect on profitability H6 Quality has a positive effect on profitability H7 Cost reduction has a positive effect on p rofitability H8 Flexibility has a positive effect on profitability†(Han, Sim and Ebrahimpour 225-226) Figure 1: Theoretical model – Relationships among ISO 9001, Competitive dimensions and profitability (Han, Sim and Ebrahimpour (227) 3. Research Design and Methodology The research was conducted using a questionnaire and sample was selected with due process for the survey. The questionnaire was developed based on literature review and later reviewed for content validation by external judges. The survey was tested for â€Å"clarity, relevance and technical accuracy†by the collaborative program in Massachusetts and all facets of the survey were commented upon (Han, Sim and Ebrahimpour,
Saturday, November 2, 2019
True Profession Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
True Profession - Article Example However, today’s business environment is considered to be dynamic and challenging, as the success of a business depends on the amount of trust they gain from their customers and stake holders. This has provided opportunities for well-known business schools to introduce new academic course integrating management code of ethics that would help in aligning management with other well-known professions such as lawyers, doctors, engineers and teachers. Considering the above stated scenario, it is also believed that the integration of the code of ethics in the MBA course will serve as competitive advantages for the students in the business market. It is also believed that having the world first Certified Business Professional (CBP) will allow the academic institution to stay ahead from other in-state MBA programs over other universities (Khurana & Nohria, â€Å"It’s Time to Make Management a True Profession†; Nohria, â€Å"A Hippocratic Oath for Management†). Wit h reference to the stated scenario it can be viewed that the dean of ODU’s College of Business and Public Administration (CBPA) is planning to implement oath at the Hippocratic Oath for Managers at this year’s graduation and initiating the new CBP program next year. In this regard, the plan of implementation of the management code can be considered as an effective approach. In this rapid changing environment it has been viewed that organization who succeed in gaining trust of the people sustains in the growing competitive market whereas organization who only focus on gaining profit dissolve within a short span of time. In this aspect implementing managerial code of conduct in the MBA would not only help in establishing a modern management approach but would also help in establishing a modern approach in the business world. It would not only provide numerous opportunities but would also change the way business operates today. The student oath is component of more preval ent initiative to turn management into profession similar to those of medical doctors and lawyers. The Hippocratic Oath promotes the notion of sustainable development. Additionally, it would also help in expanding the knowledge of the student as it would explore new field of studies and also help in understanding the business world deeply. Additionally introducing the process of Hippocratic Oath for manager in academic institutions would also help in producing loyal managers and would also motivate them to implement their skills and knowledge effectively for establishing the organization goal efficiently and through effective utilization of the organization resources (Khurana & Nohria, â€Å"It’s Time to Make Management a True Profession†; Nohria, â€Å"A Hippocratic Oath for Management†).The process of taking oath is viewed to provide a normative framework that helps in shaping the identity of a personnel and their responsibility towards the society specificall y for the people associated with their organization. In this world of shrinking public trust for business managers by the general public, introducing of ethical code would help in establishing a sense of trust and believe amid the stake holders resulting in more efficient functionality of the organization as people would feel secured to invest more in the organization. (ISFP, â€Å"
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