Monday, August 24, 2020
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Career Self-Efficacy Theory Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Profession Self-Efficacy Theory - Research Paper Example Another piece of my innovative professions initiated as I opened a childcare community at home so I could both gain a living and furthermore be close to my kids. At the point when they at last were mature enough to go to class, I continued my IT vocation yet I understood that I had been out for a really long time, and I expected to sharpen my abilities to get up to speed, I worked low maintenance in PC support, until I got a real estate agents permit and began another profession. I have so far figured out how to shuffle family, training and my real estate agent work and am at long last at a point where I am going to finish my degree; I could either search for an occupation in the PC division again or utilize my IT aptitudes to build up my real estate agent vocation and conceivable strike out all alone. From my vocation direction, I can look at myself through a few hypothetical perspectives that are worried about work and profession, Donald Super’s hypothesis of living space an d life expectancy is especially pertinent since it depicts a vocation direction in phases of word related inclinations and abilities that change as one develops (Savickas, 1997). His hypothesis is established on the idea of professional development which can compare to one’s sequential age since individuals travel through an assortment of stages all through their expert life. The principal stage is development which included the improvement of a self-idea as one changes with their necessities and makes sense of their condition, the stage is ordinarily from mindfulness to when one is around 14. For my situation, I had just chosen I needed to be autonomous which is the reason I began working at age 12.â The subsequent advance is investigation somewhere in the range of 15 and 24 where one evaluates different ideas before they choose which they will agree to; this was valid for my situation as I maintained different sources of income all through secondary school and school befo re I chose to seek after PC contemplates.
Thursday, July 16, 2020
Fremont Fremont fre ´mont [key]. 1 City (1990 pop. 173,339), Alameda co., W Calif., on San Francisco Bay; inc. 1956. Long an agricultural center, with champagne vineyards founded (1870) by Leland Stanford , it still ships fruits and vegetables. Its economy was transformed in the 1960s, however, after General Motors opened a huge automobile assembly plant, later part of a joint venture with Toyota Motor Corp. Toyota closed the plant in 2010; Tesla Motors is now located there. With the addition of computer, semiconductor, and electronics industries, Fremont became one of the fastest growing U.S. cities. Mission San Jose de Guadalupe (1797) has been restored as a museum. The city is home to the California School for the Deaf and a large aquatic park. 2 City (1990 pop. 23,680), seat of Dodge co., E central Nebr., on the Platte River; inc. 1858. It is a trade, shipping, and processing center for a grain-growing, dairying, and grazing prairie area. Midland Lutheran College is there. 3 C ity (1990 pop. 17,648), seat of Sandusky co., N Ohio, on the Sandusky River; inc. 1849. It is a trade and industrial center in an agricultural region specializing in sugar-beet processing and canning. The battle of Fort Stephenson was fought there (1813) during the War of 1812. Shipbuilding was an early industry. The house and tomb of President Rutherford B. Hayes (a state memorial) are in Spiegel Grove State Park. The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. Political Geography
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Mao Zedong A Leader Of The People s Republic Of China
Introduction In Hunan Province in 1893 there was to be the birth of the founder of the People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong (Britannica, 2014). Known for his controversial methods, he was to be a memorable historical figure, as China entered communism under his rule, with his strategies unforgettable for some. Mao’s communist successor, Deng Xiaoping, was also a very recognisable leader and probably the second most notable leader in China only after Mao (Telegraph, 1997). Deng was born in Sichuan province in 1904 and became a Paramount leader for China in 1978. Both were profound leaders in China’s history and had strong impacts on its society through different reform policies, leading to economic growth and have influenced how China is to this day. Land Reform One of Mao’s first notable strategies was land reform, as he knew this would be a popular policy to all of the peasants. Cheng (1982) examined that land reform was based around eliminating the landlord class entirely, whilst relying on the cooperation of the poorest peasants. Mao decided that peasants should have the land transferred to them by the landlords. Following this, they would then issue them with title deeds, which allowed any landowners the right to buy, sell, manage or rent out freely. Finally, if any peasants felt any previous wrongdoing brought upon them by landlords, they were encouraged to express themselves through violence and many landlords were killed. This was just the beginning of the deathShow MoreRelatedChin Torn Apart Or Mended By The Rule Of Zedong1452 Words  | 6 PagesChina: Torn Apart Or Mended By The Rule Of Mao Zedong There is controversy whether the rule of Mao Zedong was beneficial or destructive, though by looking into the depths of history the answer is revealed. As Mao Zedong took control over China on October 1, 1949, he immediately installed many reformations to China’s economy, culture, and government. These reformations proved to be devastating towards the people of China. After decolonization Mao Zedong’s enforcement of communism and internationalRead MoreMao Zedong and Cultural Revolution1484 Words  | 6 PagesZedong initiated a series of revolutions to change the way China ran, the final being the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution starting in 1966 and ending in 1976 (1). The goal of this investigation is to determine Mao Zedong’s motives as a leader to initiate such a movement that ended up with the loss of culture, struggle between social classes, force of government, and the loss of human life (2). This investigation will describe Mao as a person, China as a country, the Cultural Revolution asRead MoreOutline Of A Speech Outline Essay768 Words  | 4 PagesU.S. paper currency. 1949 – The People s Republic of China is established and declared by Mao Zedong. I. Introduction A. Attention-getter: autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons. B. Motivate the Audience to Listen: The date I was born, which was Oct. 1st, is in such a gold season. C. Establish Credibility: After researching various events, I found that quite a few events occurred on Oct.1st and it was a significant day of both China and America. D. Preview Main Points:Read MoreCultural Revolution And Its Effects On Chinese Economic And Development1457 Words  | 6 Pagesrefers to a political movement that leads by Mao Zedong during May 1966 to October 1976. The original intention for Cultural Revolution is to prevent the restoration of capitalism. Mao want to clean the force who block the development. However, because of the failure leadership, this movement goes to a wrong way and become out of control. This ten years revolution seriously impact Chinese economic and development, it gives Communist Party and its people a big damage: school closed, factories shutRead MoreCommunism And Its Impact On The World1583 Words  | 7 Pageslikes of Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and East Germany to name a few. These countries that were governed on communist principles were known as the ‘Eastern Bloc’. Even countries in Asia were persuaded into the theoretically human equality system such as China, Laos and Vietnam. Commun ism was gathering strength to strength every year in the mid 20th century, but eventually its impact was wiped off in the late 20th century when the Berlin War was knocked down in 1989, ending the barrier between the EasternRead MoreMao Zedong And Its Effects On China s Twentieth Century1043 Words  | 5 PagesAliz A. Smith HIS 10000 – World History Professor: Tracy Rehbein Capps March 13, 2016. Mao Zedong s Communist China Mao Zedong had major positive and negative effects on China’s twentieth century development.Let me begin with the positives. He modernized, liberated and united the ancient, isolated, non-civilized China that fought an almost two decade long civil war and turned it into a major industrial power. He extended social services; healthcare and education. He supported and gave womenRead MoreMao Zedong : China s Economic Leader1360 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction While Mao Zedong was in power he wanted to implement his own political ideologies on china. When he became China’s leader in 1949 he wanted to change china entirely. More specifically, when it came to economy Mao wanted to create an equal standard of living for the chinese people and wanted to be a completely self sufficient country. Unfortunately towards the end of his leadership nearly millions of people had died from starvation and his strive for progression was a complete failureRead MorePeople s Republic Of China Under Mao2151 Words  | 9 PagesPeople’s Republic of China under Mao The Great Leap Forward was a program designed as an economic stimulus model heavily focused on industry. Under this economic program, individual agricultural areas were merged into larger people’s communities and many of the peasants were ordered to work on enormous infrastructure projects and on the manufacture of iron and steel. Most privatization was banned; personal wealth was confiscated while livestock and farm implements were brought under collective ownershipRead More1967 Cultural Revolution of China1617 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Question: Why did Mao launch the Cultural Revolution? For instance, do you think the occurrence of the CR had any connections with the CCP s organizing principle and guiding ideologies, such as democratic dictatorship and the democratic-centralism, or was caused more by other reasons? Also, although many things people did during the Cultural Revolution look so absurd, irrational, and even cruel today, millions of Chinese, especially the Chinese youth seemed to be obsessed with the movement duringRead MoreChinese Civil War : The Wuchang Uprising1649 Words  | 7 PagesDue to many economic issues in China, including the devastating effects of the Opium Wars of European imperialism, the Wuchang Uprising, followed by the Xinhai Rebellion, occurred and led to the Qing Dynasty s fall in 1911 (Szczepanski; Wuchang). Soon after, the Kuomintang (Chinese Nationalist Party), under the leadership of Sun Yat-sen, established the Republic of China, but it did not stop the centralized political power in C hina from becoming dismantled and fragmented into many warlord factions
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Case Study Formulation Drug and Alcohol - 1248 Words
3. specific strategies Although it was previously thought that cannabis was not a drug of addiction, it is now recognized that cannabis use can lead to substance dependence, according to the internationally accepted DSM-IV definition of ‘substance dependence’ . . With this knowledge in mind, Rick could possibly display withdrawal symptoms such as †¢ Irritability †¢ Frustration †¢ Anxiety †¢ Compulsion to smoke Cannabis 1 presenting problem Rick: Rick appears to have substance use disorder traits; his drug of choice is Cannabis. Rick appears to be in the stage of contemplation: Although Rick’s motivation is high and he indicates legitimately wants to cease his cannabis use, he is unsure that he will actually†¦show more content†¦Considering this information Lesley’s alcohol consumption may well be considered harmful. The client’s appears to have no intention of giving up drinking or even to cut down. Leslie does not want to change her drinking habits. Specific Intervention Strategies: †¢ Motivational Interviewing and Cognitive behavior therapy †¢ Rolling with resistance †¢ Develop discrepancy †¢ Empathy †¢ Identify and cope with high risk situation †¢ Screening tools †¢ Develop discrepency Miller (1983) describes self efficacy as a fundamental of Motivational interviewing. When considering this point of view Lesley should be to be responsible for deciding and implementing change, not the counselor. Building rapport with Lesley is significantly important, empathizing with the Lesley’s situation in regards to the potential difficulty in raising three children in a share accommodation. Relapse prevention education; Helping the client to identify stressful situations, the desire to drink may be strong. Exploring with the client to determine if any significant issue has caused the escalation of alcohol use may be a strategy to implement. Lesley may be opposed to to certain interventions from a therapist, (Miller Rollnick,(2002) argue that the best response to resistance is non-resistance. Acknowledging Leslies concerns and complaints may enhance the therapeutic alliance which is of prime importance in relating with a client. ++ Lesley is unaware thatShow MoreRelatedSwot Analysis Of Allstar Brands1042 Words  | 5 Pagesan effort to understand the customer and their needs. In the case of AllStar Brands and their product of Allround, the nature of demand is tracking consumer behavior and what impact that will have on the company’s business decisions. Allround reaches many customers through the Advertising agency of Brewster, Maxwell, and Wheeler. 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It is, therefore, necessary, within the context of the family, toRead MoreAlcohol And Drug Abuse Are Not New Themes1525 Words  | 7 Pagesand Alcohol Abuse Treatment Stepheno Diaz Institutional Affiliation: Florida Institute of Technology EHC1103 | Section 2: Medical Ethics February 15, 2015 Abstract Alcohol and Drug abuse are not new themes. â€Å"Alcohol is such a big part of American life today that we rarely stop to consider our pattern of drinking. We drink wine with dinner, or have a few drinks after work, or even a few beers while watching a ball game, but when a pattern of drinking begins to emerge, it can become a problem†(SubstanceRead MoreProduction Line ( Oral Liquids ) Essay1734 Words  | 7 PagesProduction line (oral liquids) History: Since ancient times different pharmaceutical formulations were used to deliver different drugs for treatment of various diseases, which played a role in saving the life of thousands of people. 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The loss of unique globular structures and aggregation of proteins are problematic in biopharmaceutical formulations due to the reduction of therapeutic potency and the possibility of inducing undesired immune responses[1]. For several decades, it has been pursued to develop formulation methods of preserving the protein stability. One of effective way to improve protein stability is mixing cosolvents in protein-water system[2, 3]. The presentRead MoreCase Study : Bruce O Brian1253 Words  | 6 PagesCase Study: Bruce O’Brian Bruce is a 35 year old Caucasian man who was brought in by police for a mental health assessment. He came to the police attention after several complaints from members of the public regarding Bruce’s behaviours. Bruce had been standing in the street yelling, talking to himself and becoming aggressive when approached by members of the public. When approached by police Bruce was cooperative but very concerned about the nearby KFC restaurant because he was sure it was on fireRead MoreChallenges Of Children With Hiv2994 Words  | 12 Pagesprevention and treatment options. That said, 50-60 new cases are still reported each year in this age group, and the total number of cases for infants and children below 13 years old has been estimated to exceed 23,000; if unreported cases are also included (CDC, 2014). However, HIV continues to impact youth between 13 to 24 disproportionately; around 39,000 people in this age group are living with HIV, and this age group constitutes some 21 % of new cases, or around 3,000 per year (CDC, 2014). Unlike HIVRead MoreWhy Marijuana Should Be Legal1641 Words  | 7 Pagesclaim to be. Furthermore, the drug seems to be well established as a social drug, especially in the Western countries. Despite the criminalization of marijuana, a significant number of people still use the drug for medicinal or recreational purposes. The old trends that focus on the drug prohibition policies should develop alternative policies that will allow the effective control of marijuana. Detailed information is presented on the local and foreign production of the drug, its persistence in the marketRead MoreSexual Assault Among Male And Female Students Essay1658 Words  | 7 PagesThe alarming increase in sexual assault among male and female students is a source of concern. Despite improvements in the general statistics on rape cases, the college setting remains to be the hot bed of sexual assault, especially among the female counterparts (Allen, 2007). A victim, regardless being a male or a female, never feel safe in their life as something precious was taken from them once. Statistics show that 17.6% of women are likely to be victims of rape in their entire lifetime while
Old Age Free Essays
| Old Age as a Time of New Opportunities| | | | | | The article â€Å"Old Age as a Time of New Opportunities (from the Foundation of Age)†by Betty Friedan opened my eyes to a perspective that I had never really thought about. It was about how old age is usually perceived as another step closer to death. In this article we are able to understand the perspective of an elder female. We will write a custom essay sample on Old Age or any similar topic only for you Order Now The female is 59 years old almost 60. She wants to go to Outward Bound which will give her the extreme outdoor experience. She goes with her friend Cecelia Herwich. They have to leave their city clothes and forget about who they were in the past and have to leave behind their professional role. When they arrive at the first campsite they are given their gear. They are given a backpack, poncho, sleeping bag, ground cloth, tin cup, spoon, water bottle, and iodine to purify it. They begin with a three mile jog up and down the road. She turned out to be the slowest because she had problems catching up with everyone else. That night they spoke about why they went. A woman named Ruth said she went because she wanted to do something exciting before she settled into a rocking chair. Another that was there was Earl. He said he was drawn in by the simple fact that it was dangerous because he would have to be there for ten days away from what he is used to and not knowing who else would be there along with him. After wards they mention that there are usually more men and that their expedition is the first to have more women involved. They stated that there are usually young men but not young women. Then they ask if women get more adventurous with age. I think that it is true that women get more adventurous the older they get. I think that this is true because they are afraid of retreating to nothing without feeling they did something that they have never tried before. They are afraid because they feel the vicious cycle of cleaning the house, taking care of the children, keeping up with husband and kids, etc. They are basically getting tired of the daily routine that they always have to put up with as regular house wives. Women feel they have been put down for too long so they want to do a change in their life. They want to feel that they did something different for once. I think that this would be an excellent topic to discuss in Sociology class. It is a good topic because it can be viewed in various ways. The different ways of viewing this article is interesting because everyone will most likely have a different way of perceiving it by the way their brain is functioning. How to cite Old Age, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Issue Of Preferential Hiring Essays - Social Inequality,
Issue Of Preferential Hiring Issue of Preferential Hiring In recent years preferential hiring has become an issue of great interest. Preferential hiring, which was devised to create harmony between the different races and sexes, has divided the lines even more. Supporters on both sides seem fixed in their positions and often refuse to listen to the other group's platform. In this essay, the recipients of preferential hiring will be either black or female, and the position in question will be a professorship on the university level. The hirings in question are cases that involve several candidates, all roughly equal in their qualifications (including experience, education, people skills, etc.), with the only difference being race and/or sex. What we have here is a case of predetermined preference. The two candidates in question are equal in all ways, except race. The black applicant is selected, not because of skills or qualifications (in that case the white man would have provided the same result), but for his skin color. This seems to be b latant discrimination, but many believe it is justified. Some feel retribution for years of discrimination is reason enough, but that issue will be discussed later. First, lets focus on why this is not a solution to creating an unbiased society. Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream: I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. He desired a world without discrimination, without prejudice, and without stereotypes. The fundamental lesson years of discrimination should have taught is that to give anyone preference based on skin color, sex, or religious beliefs is, in one word, wrong. As Martin Luther King Jr. stated, judgment based on skin color must not exist. All preferential hiring does is keep judgments based on skin color alive. Race and sex should not be issues in today's society, yet preferential hiring continues to make these factors issues by treating minorities as a group rather than as individuals. More importantly preferential hiring may actually fuel, rather than extinguish, feelings of racial hostility. Applying the concept of preferential hiring to another situation may help elucidate its sho rtcomings. A party of white men and a party of black men both arrive at a restaurant at the same time and only one table is free. The headwaiter can only seat one party and must make a decision. According to preferential hiring theory it is necessary to seat the black party first, since historically blacks have been discriminated against when seated in restaurants. In another situation, a white man and a black man are both equidistant from the last seat on the bus. Both men are the same age, have no medical problems, and are equal in all ways except skin color. Should the black man get the seat since in the past black men have been discriminated against? We could continue this practice for several centuries before the debt we owe for depriving blacks of a seat on the bus would be paid. Perhaps these examples are invalid. It could be said that jobs are a different issue. They help define social status and provide economic well-being. They might even boost self-confidence, something t hat discrimination has stolen. Two points must be considered before moving any further. First, blacks may learn better from a black, and women may learn better from a woman. Second, hiring women and blacks will provide role models for others. The first point Thomson quickly concedes as likely to be false. Discussion about the second point however is required, and will, in effect, serve to negate the first point as well. First, lets create a character, Bill. Bill is grossly overweight and unattractive. Studies have shown that many employers discriminate (whether subconsciously or not), against both overweight and unattractive individuals. Unfortunately for Bill, he fits into both categories. His inability to land a job reflective of his abilities, coupled with years of public humiliation through jokes made at his expense, has destroyed his self-esteem. This has caused him to accept as fact the notion that he will never be able to reach his goals. Few
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Theodore Dwight Weld
Theodore Dwight Weld Theodore Dwight Weld was one of the most effective organizers of the abolitionist movement in the United States, though he was often overshadowed in his own time. And, partly due to his own aversion to publicity, he has often been overlooked by history. For three decades Weld guided many efforts of the abolitionists. And a book he published in 1839, American Slavery As It Is, influenced Harriet Beecher Stowe as she wrote Uncle Toms Cabin. In the early 1830s Weld organized a highly influential series of debates at Lane Seminary in Ohio and trained abolitionist agents who would spread the word throughout the North. He later became involved on Capitol Hill in advising John Quincy Adams and others in promoting anti-slavery agitation in the House of Representatives. Weld married Angelina Grimkà ©, a South Carolina native who had, along with her sister, become a devoted abolitionist. The couple was very well-known in abolitionist circles, yet Weld exhibited an aversion to public notice. He generally published his writings anonymously and preferred to exert his influence behind the scenes. In the decades after the Civil War Weld avoided discussions of the proper place of the abolitionists in history. He outlived most of his contemporaries, and when he died at the age of 91 in 1895, he was nearly forgotten. Newspapers mentioned his death in passing, noting that he had known and worked with William Lloyd Garrison, John Brown, and other noted abolitionists. Early Life Theodore Dwight Weld was born November 23, 1803, in Hampton, Connecticut. His father was a minister, and the family was descended from a long line of clergymen. During Welds childhood the family moved to western New York State. In the 1820s the traveling evangelist Charles Grandison Finney passed through the countryside, and Weld became a devoted follower of his religious message. Weld entered the Oneida Institute to study to become a minister. He also became very involved in the temperance movement, which at the time was a burgeoning reform movement. A reformist mentor of Weld, Charles Stuart, traveled to England and became involved with the British anti-slavery movement. He wrote back to America, and brought Weld to the anti-slavery cause. Organizing the Abolitionists During this period Weld met Arthur and Lewis Tappan, wealthy New York City merchants who were financing a number of reform movements, including the early abolitionist movement. The Tappans were impressed with Welds intellect and energy, and recruited him to work with them. Weld influenced the Tappan brothers to get involved in the fight against slavery. And in 1831 the philanthropist brothers founded the American Anti-Slavery Society. The Tappan brothers, at Welds urging, also financed the founding a seminary which would train ministers for settlements in the expanding American West. The new institution, Lane Seminary in Cincinnati, Ohio, became the site of a highly influential gathering of anti-slavery activists in February 1834. In two weeks of seminars organized by Weld, activists debated the cause of ending slavery. The meetings would resonate for years, as attendees came away deeply committed to the cause. Weld embarked on a program of training abolitionists who could bring converts to the cause in the style of revivalist preachers. And when a campaign of sending abolitionist pamphlets into the South was thwarted, the Tappan Brothers began to see that Welds idea of educating human agents who would carry the abolitionist message. On Capitol Hill In the early 1840s Weld became involved in the political system, which was not the usual course of action for abolitionists. William Lloyd Garrison, for instance, purposely avoided mainstream politics, as the United States Constitution allowed slavery. The strategy pursued by abolitionists was to use the right to petition in the Constitution to send petitions seeking the end of enslavement to the U.S. Congress. Working with former president John Quincy Adams, who was serving as a congressman from Massachusetts, Weld worked as a critical adviser during the petition campaign. By the mid-1840s, Weld had essentially withdrawn from an active role in the abolitionist movement, yet he continued to write and advise. He had married Angelina Grimke in 1838, and they had three children. The couple taught at a school they founded in New Jersey. Following the Civil War, when memoirs were written and the rightful place of the abolitionists in history was being debated, Weld chose to remain silent. When he died he was mentioned briefly in newspapers, and was remembered as one of the great abolitionists.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
How to Edit for a Friend
How to Edit for a Friend How to Edit for a Friend How to Edit for a Friend By Mark Nichol Many writers seek assistance from friends or family members for various projects, but this aid must be given and received with care. Here are some tips about asking for informal editing assistance and providing it. Editing for a friend or a family member is easily assumed to be a simple matter, but it requires clear communication about expectations. Different writing projects require various degrees of intervention, from proofreading to content editing to critiquing. (Many posts on discuss editing issues; search the site for â€Å"editing†to locate them.) Before asking for someone’s help with your resume, for example, it’s best to research formatting options and commit to your resume’s structure, and then perhaps simply ask for proofreading and/or advice about phrasing. Of course, if someone you know is knowledgeable about resumes, welcome more substantial feedback (though not everyone who evaluates resumes for hiring purposes is necessarily a good judge). Contradictory advice about resumes can be counterproductive, causing your confidence to be shaken. If you look at a friend or family member’s resume, generally, limit the extent of your response to the parameters of the person’s request, at least as far as marking up the document. However, a diplomatic comment about an excessive or minimal employment history, for example, is acceptable even if you’ve merely been asked to check for spelling and punctuation errors. College-admission essays are all about the applicant’s voice, not about his or her writing skill. Furthermore, an impeccably written essay might hinder rather than help: If the prospective student’s grades and test scores in English are not consistent with the writing caliber demonstrated in the essay, college admissions staff may see a red flag. If you do seek, or offer, assistance with an admission essay, the role should be that of a writing coach, not a ghostwriter (or even an editor). The idea is to help with the structure and depth of the essay, and to coax more vivid imagery and fresher phrasing, rather than rewrite sentences and replace words. If the document is a substantial work of nonfiction or fiction, agree on what type of assistance is to be given. â€Å"Does it work?†is a very different question than â€Å"Can you help me with my writing?†It’s not too much to request that someone read your novel and give you some general suggestions, but if you’re going to ask a friend or family member to spend many hours poring over it, commenting on plot, characterization, tone, structure, and the like (and, oh, yeah, correcting poor grammar and usage), you might as well hire the person rather than expect volunteer assistance. At this point, a professional editor will probably be more useful. Finally, understand that if you ask for editing assistance, expect a thorough housecleaning, not five minutes of dusting and straightening up. Assure your friend or relative that you will accept revisions or critiques with good grace, and honor that commitment. If you’re helping someone, even if he or she is confident, identify and communicate strengths and be diplomatic about weaknesses. And if the manuscript is substantial, ask for just an excerpt first, rather than the entire work. If the person’s writing skill is poor, it will be easier to simply offer some general comments or to suggest that you don’t feel up to the task. You’re welcome to be frank, of course at the expense of good relations with your relation. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Similes from Literature to Inspire You20 Words Meaning "Being or Existing in the Past"How to Treat Names of Groups and Organizations
Friday, February 14, 2020
Ethnographic Comparison Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Ethnographic Comparison - Essay Example The discussion focuses on studying human behavior and culture using multiple ethnographic accounts. The three societies taken for comparison are the southern Ethiopian society, Chinese society, and Cherokee, a Native American society. The analysis provides background information of all the three societies along with discussing the specific aspect of cultural change within these societies. A vivid comparison and contrast between the societies is done in relation to the cultural change among women and standard of living. The realities of life and human behavior in relation to the cultural change in these societies are also addressed. Furthermore, the discussion also examines some of the social problems and public policy issues that are apparent in these societies. Ethiopia, a sub-Saharan country in Africa, is considered to be home to one of the oldest known human societies. During the prehistoric period, Hamitic people from Asia Minor and Semitic traders from Arabia migrated to this region. Being a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic society, it comprised of different cultural and geo-political boundaries, but with the Orthodox Church mainly dominating the cultural, political, and social life of the population. From the ancient times, the Chinese society is one with rich traditions. The countrys civilization is home to around 55 ethnic minorities including 14 Taiwanese aborigine groups, Shaoshu Minzu, RPC nationals, and the Han majority (Johnson, 2014). With the recent economic reforms and policies, China has transformed into a stronger economy. The Cherokee Indians, one among the tribes of Native Americans, are expected to have lived in and around the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Island. Ethnographers have recorded that these tribes migrated to south in ancient times from the Great Lakes region along with the Iroquoian people. The comparison of culture among these three societies provides valuable
Saturday, February 1, 2020
The leadership experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The leadership experience - Essay Example When you wield your power over people without establishing the necessary relations then you cannot assert influence necessary to propel one to a higher office. Many leaders, for instance, Paul Wolfowitz of the World Bank fail because of their ambitions and how they wield their power. Women with their relationship oriented approach to leadership put them in a position where they can cultivate the necessary relationships. The relationships allow them to listen and appeal to their emotions and eventually get what they want even a top job. Furthermore, since women are more likely to achieve their goals as well as organizational goals they are hence trusted with influential positions. If a male leader changes his behavior to incorporate elements of relationship-oriented leadership techniques more common to the female leader, he will still be an authentic leader. The elements of relationship-oriented leadership will only strengthen an authentic leader and not water it down. Through the approach, they will be able to understand the needs of the workforce and appeal to them and hence ensure that the company achieves its goal. The leader would also still be authentic since although he would want to involve everyone the final decision will still be with him and can still leave a legacy. Furthermore, through the approach, the leader can easily assert his power since he knows his workforce quite well. It is the manager's responsibility to help their employees find pleasure, engagement, and meaning in their work to make them happy.
Friday, January 24, 2020
China :: essays research papers
China China is a land of beauty and fascination that tempts travelers from all over the world. It is a massive country, covering 6,000,000 square miles and spanning 60 longitudinal degrees. It has large variety of people, natural landscape,a brilliant history and a culture with fascinating destinations that visitors attends to be amazed. China, represents one of the earliest civilizations in the world, has a recorded history of about 3,600 years. It possesses rich historical documents as well as ancient relics. It is the inventor of compass, paper-making, gunpowder and printing. The Great Wall, Grand Canal and Karez irrigation system are three great ancient engineering projects built 2,000 years ago. Now they are the symbols of the rich culture of the Chinese nation. Like other nations, China, in its development, passed through the stages of primitive society, slave society, and feudal society. During the middle decades of the 19th century, capitalist forces of foreign countries invaded China, and China was slowly transformed into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society. The founding of the People's Republic in 1949 marked China's entry into the socialist stage. During the long period of historical development, the industrious, courageous, and intelligent Chinese people of all nationalities collectively created a great civilization, and made a great contribution to all of mankind For the first time in decades a Chinese government was met with peace, instead of massive military opposition, within it’s territory. However, it wasn’t like that for long, in the first half of the 20th century, China was beset by major famines, civil unrest, military defeats, and foreign occupation. After World War II, the communists under MAO Zedong established a dictatorship that, while ensureing China’s sovereignty, imposed strict controls over everyday life and cost the lives of tens of millions of people. This new leadership was highly disciplined and, having a decade of wartime administrative experience to draw on, was able to embark on a program of national integration and reform. In the first year of Communist administration, moderate social and economic policies were implemented with skill and effectiveness.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Doctoral Program in Organizational Management Essay
I believe that education and educating is a never ending knowledge sharing process. Every moment is a moment of truth to gain experience. I have had the opportunity of learning many key aspects of management in my graduation. My passion towards gaining expertise in organizational management and leadership increased in my previous academics. To learn indepth with more focus on my core areas of interest, I prefer to be with the industry and academic experts of well known institutions, who not only cement my concepts but open these theoretical ideas in practical means of implementation Organizational management is an unique area of academics and management field where we need to educate upon the practical experience of many business cases in real life. A doctoral program will open up many wakes of dimensions which otherwise cannot be shared. The doctoral program will provide me with time, space and expertise to explore the intricacies in drawing the excellence in the field. Using these resources I would like to investigate acceptable scholarly methodology to address applied and practical problems. My future Scholarly endeavors would address needs identified by problematic conditions in the field; and conversely, would be guided to research-based best practices. University of Phoenix is a pioneer in management education imparting competence among the management students before real time work experience in business environment. Thus Phoenix creates sets the ideology of students towards leading an organization right from the academics. Phoenix offers flexibility in the scheduling the learning hours and the learning centers at the reach of the students which provides ample opportunity to learn and leverage to the career path.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Analysis Of The Awakening From Marxist Perspective - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 541 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/07/31 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: The Awakening Essay Did you like this example? In The Awakening, by the author Kate Chopin can be analyzed from the Marxist perspective by the powerful ones being the men. The men are powerful because society portrays them as the head of the household, meaning its a patriarchal society. Society thinks that men should rule over their wives and have them under their control. The men display their power when their wives dont do what they want. For example, the husband of Edna, Leonce showed that power when he told Edna to come inside after she refused to leave the hammock several times. Society defined women as powerless by being submissive and attending their husbands and kids. The society tells the women to be wives and mothers before being independent. Most of the women have established with this view of women that they often submissively or happily play this role. For example, Adele seems to enjoy taking care and pleasuring his husband and children. She sees nothing wrong in this role and she in fact takes it in with pride.        Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Analysis Of The Awakening From Marxist Perspective" essay for you Create order There is alienation in the powerless characters by the unmarried women and unhappy wives. In this case its Edna, a discontented wife, the widow, and Mademoiselle Reisz that are all seen weird by the society of both men and women. There is also unequal redistribution of wealth in the novel based on ones race and ethnicity. The main characters Pontelliers, Ratignolles, and Lebruns in the novel are Creoles and they all seem to be wealthy based on their homes, possessions, activities, and vacations. They are the less fortunate than other races, such as the mulattoes, the blacks, and the quadrooms, who all have domestic jobs under the Creoles. It means that those races are being portrayed like women inferior people. All the characters have their own amount of wealth and status based on race and ethnicity. In the case of Ednas husband, Leonce he has time for his own, such as reading newspapers and go to the club. He has personal maids, cooks, and quadroon nurses at home. He also has paintings and sculptures at his house. For example in the chapter it says that The Pontelliers possessed a very charming home on Esplanade Street in New Orleans. It was a large, double cottage.. The softest carpets and rugs covered the floors; rich and tasteful draperies hung at doors and windows Also, in chapter , Mr. Pontellier reads the names of his clients wives, which might indicate that he is a businessman who may work for finance or investment. He is also overbearing because he orders his wife around when she doesnt do as he wishes (Hammock incident). He shows detachment from his family by instead of spending time with them, he goes to the club, he doesnt even care that Edna hangs out with Robert. Also, he is demanding with Edna, because he scolds her for not leaving an excuse for not answering the Tuesday calls. Another powerful figure is Robert Lebrun, he is a Creole and he also appears to be wealthy in the novel. His mom owns and manages the cottages on Grand Isle where the Pontellier family stays during summer. So the wealth is in his family, but he doesnt send his mom money from Mexico.
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